The Next Day

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Leondre POV:
It was all a bit hazey when Loz burst through the door waking us up and singing hopeful!
'Lauren how do you have this much energy in the morning?' I mumbled still trying to wake up!
'I don't know really! I guess since you and Tilly have been staying I've gotten used to early mornings' she said.
I dragged her down to the ground and hugged her whispering in her ear 'Well I'm not an early bird today!'
Soon after Charlie woke up and we spoke about what the plans were for today!

We decided to practise a lot for our live audition; after all we wanted to do well! Our parents seemed pritty proud of us and how well we did after we told them how it went! To be fair I think they were more excited than we were.

Lauren POV:
Leo looked so cute this morning! He could barely open his eyes but when he did those big brown eyes brightens up the room! It was like I had fallen in love all over again! I had no clue anymore of what early mornings were or what lay ins were! I was shocked to find out that Tilly hadn't come and woke me up that's why I had to go and see if Leo was awake because come on they are both early birds! I guess when Leo dragged me down for a hug he just wasn't feeling the vibe of this early morning!

I don't remember the boys coming in last night so they must of come in pritty late and after myself and the girls had gone to bed!

(2 hours later)
Lauren POV
We had just finished breakfast and we were all already changed so before Leo and Charlie started practicing for their live audition, we popped into town to do a little shopping and then hung out at the skate park for a bit!

I was quite bad at skateboarding when I first started but Charlie is amazing at it so he has been helping me out.

(6 hours later)
Charlie POV:
We had just got home and it was time for me and Leo to knuckle down and practise so we shuvved Lauren out the room so she wouldn't distract us (Leondre mainly 😳) Even though I was sure she was just sat outside and listeninging the whole time!

I started to play the keyboard to it whilst Leo was rapping and it went pritty well but I'm terrible at multitasking so I couldn't exactly play it and sing at the same time so we just decided to go with the original backing track and audition with hopeful and its original audio!

Leondre POV:
We rehearsed for hours sometimes even two hours straight with talking in between and a few sips of water! Other times we would rehearse for half an hour grab some food watch a bit of TV and then carry on!

I didn't think it would exactly go that way and Charlie wouldn't be very enthusiastic but every time I was slacking in energy Charlie kept pushing me! He believed in me more than I did myself...

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