Soda in Summer :D

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Like the blisters of the pétilant lime soda
My rupturing solicitude, I demand you to grasp it

The sagacity is heart-rending enough to squall

And up until now I've been musing on,
If it is the summer's sortilege of love
Making me so enthralled

Swaying in the zephyr like the bud of a lily
Through the water you cascade, the such girl as you are so recherché

The throbbing blossoming
While amending tinges

The you just gleaming frightfully refulgent

The gravity has fallen asleep..
Free me with thy hues

Enveloping the fondness we share,
It has become softer,
Just like the white crested waves

Right between the moment I had to breath,
Now I really know your presence in my life is remarkably sweet and gentle

It appears that none of my vocables reach your bosom

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