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I do not have the urge for an espousal
Such an atrocious grotesque
Perchance merely for me, perchance several

Whie was it ensued?
That is supposed not to be an ostensible libel!
Since theie avowed,
"Thee simply foretell."

Withal yond is not the affaire
It is just, an imbecile surmise enunciated by entities
Because I covet to be free in the scene

Theie averred,
"That shall be able to hale you to the Elysian Fields"
"By virtue of your progeny and grand"

And I said,
"'twill be pointless to remind me"
"We will after the anguishes with that being said"

I'm still unwise!
Between carnal and the eternity
I just want to live on my lonesome!
Instead of concocting quandary

Mortals need companion
To chaperone for ages
Not a concubine in forlorn
Affixed with covenants

Thee plighted her?
Plighted to be one in woe?
Enticed by flair?
Are thee assuredly devout with the jane?

Maybe she was inveigled by utterances during the tryst beneath the vast cerulean of Jakarta

Gamophobia II

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