Stands or Morales?

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Any apologia they are hated
By cause they are opposed?
Howbeit, theie are oneth with demiurge

Thee perceive the grounds yond converted them?
Infirmity is the riposte?
Or candor of the free?

Are theie deviate?
Lord, are theie sinners?

Oh Lord, what is the seat yond madeth Thee peevish?
Are theie thwarting the immutable?

Do each divinities defie their notion in such way?
Is naught yond 'gainst their liberties?

Why did God ever abolish them?
Why did they arise twice?
Sure this God's matter
Why did this betide for the second?

Is this occurrence embraced in the providence of our humanity?
Or, this accident is a thorough disability?

Why do theie set their lusts toward selfsame?

Were theie impaired?
Is this occurrence alleged to be an escape?
Alas.. this contemplated as a disorder

Is the code unprejudiced towards them?
Anie ground for the unfairness?

Theie are verilie erroneous in the verdict of His
Do theie for times?

Are theie liberals who crave to abscond?
Are theie ratified by existing grounds?

Or thee are judicious traditionalists?

LGBTQQIP2SAA+ Special Issue(d) poetry.

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