Summer Simpers

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Fête summer!
It is an ambiance for our supper
The silly moment that makes me simper
Mi querida, amorous advances by the cedar
This is ours mon amour

Sakura is blushing
Will you hear my feeling
Non.. the amorphous romance isn't stopping
Yes, this sweetness is overlapping
Such a wonderful throbbing

Did I make your day even more special?
Would you like to tell?

Just act natural!

I want to know all!
I want to lay under the celestial!

On the lea by the myriad peonies
Under the same blushing blooms
Can I finally phrase my adorations
Please dye this instant with gentle colours

Calmness in my fonds
These bittersweet instants
Inevitably will be on my lines

See you in June my lovely memories
These moments belonged to us
The remains are within our glimpses
The passed has no regrets..

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