June's Magic

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Coloured mine own memoire, the day of our encounter
Was it because of the summer's magic of affair?
My heart was throbbing clamorously,
Under the vast of the starlit sky

Sometimes I look for you desperately..
My heart will undulate like perianths of dittany,
Brightened by the eventide hue that crawls 'to my sights gently.

The clasp that I can't grasp by wishing God's dangling constellations,
Now the veracity meekly sits

My heart mutters by the chime's resonance throughout the mizzle
Mystifying quivers from your care
All re-echoed more than a routine

The usual astir with a peculiar gale
I've orchestrated to espy you off with a beam, but now, I can only descry a haggard guise
Knowing there's something that you crave to recite to me.
As I'm searching for the words that befittingly replace "vale"

What are we as with us?

Ever since you emerged throughout the existence, making me discern the vehemences I've never felt before.
My misery, poetries, even utterances were given radiance
I'm striving to delineate you how much I care for the person that you are,
If my wishes can be heard, I want you by my side

I really want to be the one who's in your mind from day to night

Maybe I'm not enough to suit all your days

No, I won't wish upon the celestial anymore!
I will always care,
You don't have to answer me,
It's yours to hear my voice,
Even when all my tears drown me,
You'd make me smile..

Embracing my thoughts and effervescences
I want to cherish all of these rhapsodies

If my poetries manage to reach you, I'm sure we are connected no matter where we are

I'm crying in eternity,
My tears blearing the sky

To live for somebody's sake
To live from someone's benevolence
For one truth, I want to close my gaze
Until the stars twinkle even more

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