Hajj With Ridwan

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What is the fount thou indited the perfidy?
Decreed thee to laud fitfully intermittently

Thou per annum ought to be an abstinent
Succeeding, go on pilgrimage in Ma'ad
Thou prophesy serendipity

Jannah will extricate thee

All the way back to credulous until sage, thee wholly rueing
Forenoon up to dark invariably tarry at mosque
Every Friday thee bestow zakat
Thereupon pledge zakat Al-Fitr

Thy psyche must be glutted with it
Scarcely virtuous thee perpetrate
Don't covet to be an opulent mortal

Since fond was dreamt go on hajj

To and froed pin thy faith on being a sheikh
Septuple revolving the Kaaba,
Set thy heart on good(s)
Devoted lucidity to the Deity
Expecting Their Promised Land

Are these thine habits on this vast infinity?
Madame hath an affaire!
Young 'un is maudlin
Thine woe will be in thine barrow

Are those, will be futile?
Douche then genuflect

Lord, Magnificence's Thine

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