Dense, Doesn't Make Sense

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An opened casement, a benign zephyr flurries our lips
The usual bustling of people, the astilbe under the illuminations

Surrounded by the sound of the chimes, slopping through begonias
Under the same turquoise fireworks
Reflected in these open sights

Rather conceding the truths,Incertitudes thumping in our chestsIt won't spell by themselves

The condition that defines love
Unlike the algebra that defines one
The finite graph that illustrates the traverse

My benevolence is inundated in the abiding of this misty season.
It is the beginning of autumn,
My heart pounds me so hard at our innocent conversation.

The silhouette of anxiety that is missing,
What is this feeling?
What am I counting?

No matter how many years have elapsed, I can't conjure those,
Those unfathomable tendernesses while standing beside

The prime of five,
Is resulting in intrigue.
The exclamatory sentence,
Is causing an issue.

It's not fair, I don't understand
I did plan the plan on the whiteboard

Love giving me the dream first?
Dream giving me the love first?

Show me your creed
Let's figure out our bond

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