Past Mist

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I've left.

"Deity, why haven't You varied an incident?"
"Just once, I may need Your Virtue."

I wondered, why do we set ours' heart on any?
My thoughts suffused with perfidy..
Beneath the constellation in the conurbation, I felt that I might be lonely..

"God, why'd You shed my tears?"
The sphere massacred my dreams..
As a fives, the thought of The Promised Land was still Yours..
I could only mourn until such an ethereal came and blessed with its!

"God why the drizzle is such a lonesome?"
"Will the rays pierce through for the twice?"
"Who knows if I just want a friend here?"
"God, would you please grant a child's utterance?"

I implored to Him not to take one of me..
I prayed to Him to abandon me until he grants my desire..
A Gratefulness to their tears I've shown!
A child could not perceive His insinuation beneath the unfaltering rain..

"More of this than any blue sky!"

A boy who relished the lazuline,
Adroitness gifted, yet God acted as an umpire
An uncertainty rose disdains the innocence

"God, please leave me in peace.."
"Notwithstanding, I'm still pusillanimous here."

Such a foolish child breathing in His sphere!

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