Forlorn Mourn

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This is beyond than an utterance of woe
I'm drained of these
Wanting to latch an interstice,
Bolt from the fantasized verisimilitude
I'm beaten of these

Tenebrosity has failed me
I want to defy the blue

"Why is there no god's eye gazing at me?"

"Which genuineness I haven't divined yet?"
"Do the celestial cry out for the sake?"

"Is the vague fancy a senile?"
"Are there shards of fantasy in me?"
I'm afeard to howl promptly
I'm timid to squall in eternity

I don't wish for my tears to soften the blue,
I won't forget that they have gone

I want to lie
Where I can eye the blue
When the constellation is at its bare
"Am I lacking a prodigy in each occurrence?"
"Will such a lapse betide?"

I descry myself unfailingly prophesying
Lying while bearing the treachery

Spilled by the being I loved
Alas, I do feel loathed
Ambling by myself at the piazza
"Will it be the night in the other half of the casement?"
"Will they catechize?"
"Will they spark for the first?"
"Will it twinkle without it?"

"Will it be cherished by them?"
"Will it startle them?"

I've forgotten its voice heretofore..

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