Chapter 9: First Challenge

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It's been a few days since the ending for the tv show. How times flies. I end up being on the top 18, ranking number 5. I'm proud of it but it doesn't really mean much to me. Today, Taemin and I are shooting Om the two special episodes of our relationship.

In sitting in front of the camera with Taemin.

"Action." The director says.

"Hello!" I exclaim smiling, "My name is (L/n) (Y/n)!"

"And I am Lee Taemin." He says smiling, he puts his arm around me waist, "During the show, I met my long lost friend. Sweet (Y/n) here." He says looking at me, "And we have rekindled our relationship, so to say."

"Your English is getting better!" I exclaim laughing.

"Hush! I'm talking!!" He whines, this makes me laugh. "Anyways, yes, you are very cute and I love you but, shh!"

"This isn't about flirting Taemin!" Rain exclaims making us laugh.

"Sorry. Sorry!" Taemin says wiping tears from his eyes, "During the show, (Y/n) and I started dating. This in so way affected her scores or anything. I had no influence, otherwise she would have gotten first place!"

"Get to the point!" Hwang says in the background.

"The other mentors have made thing  a they call 'Couple Challenges'!" I say, "During these two special episodes we will be completing these challenges."

"Yes, and whoever wins, umm..." Taemin says, "Is the best Boyfriend or Girlfriend! That's definitely going to be me!"

"Who said that?!" I sah looking at him in disbelief.

"Me, because I love you that much." He says confidently.

"Yeah yeah, we'll see." I say.

"Are you ready for the first challenge?" Rain says coming into view.

"Of course!" I exclaim smiling.

"The cooking challenge! Who is going to make the best lunch?" Rain says creating a suspenseful atmosphere.

"Let's get started!"

The camera turns off me and walk into the cafeteria. We get into our spots and Rain is standing with us.


"So, the requirements, it has to be lunch, no dessert, one course, and the other mentors and I are the judges!" He exclaims, "You start, now!"

I run into the kitchen and look around. I look at all the ingredients and I figure and I can make bulgogi, a beef barbecue thing.

I start racing around to get this done. The meet is cooking when I hear Rain say, "20 minutes!"

I turn it on a higher temperature so it will cook faster.

Once it is done I put it on a 5 plates with the vegetables I finished just in time because the timer stops.

"Ladies first!" Hwang exclaims from the table. I smile and take two plates, I put them I front of the two judges and the. I go to grab the other three plates.

"Bulgogi! A wonderful choice, (Y/n)!" Rain says smiling.

"Lee's a lucky man." Hyuna says smiling.

"Bon appetite!" I say giggling.

I look at Taemin who is getting this plates ready, that's cheating! He gets them ready and places them in the counter in front of his kitchen thingo. "Damit." He mutters, "You're definitely gonna win this!"

"We can't be so sure." I go back to the kitchen and grab him an extra plate. I walk back to him with chopsticks, "Give it a try, sweetie." I say smiling.

"I would love to, you're so cute!"

I look back at the judges.

"I think that was wonderful!"

They all start talking and they come back with a 5 out of 5 boot. I can't believe they are still using boots!

"Taemin, when you are ready." Rain says.

"Wait! I have to feed future wife first!" He hands me a plate of rendang, a traditional Indonesian food. I look at him and smile, "Thought I'd remind you of home."

I put the plate down on the table next to me and give him a hug. I haven't eaten rendang in ages! I can't believe he did this for me.

"Aww." I hear Hwang say, "Film it!"

"I love you too." Taemin says, I laugh at his joke.

"Of course I love you Taetae." I say smiling.

"I'm hungry!" Rain says laughing.

We all start laughing and I let go of Taemin. I start eating the rendang as he gives the judges their plates.

I look at Hyuna and she doesn't seem to like it that much. I don't understand why, it's a potato and beef curry with rice!
They start talking about the score and Rain finally announces, "We have decided to give Lee, 4 boots out of 5!"

"(Y/n) wins this first round!" San E says.

I start jumping up and down and I start poking fun at Taemin. He tried to look all sad and depressed but it doesn't really work. "Don't worry! I still love you!" I say kissing his cheek.

I hear all the judges aww at my action.

"Of course I love you too (Y/n)!" Tae says smiling at me, his cheeks are a bit red from my kiss.

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