Chapter 26: Reality Show - Photo Shoot

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I'm sitting in the dressing room where I am getting dressed for the photo shoot. I don't understand why we're taking a photo shoot when the tour is over.
Maybe for a magazine?

A makeup artist comes and does my makeup. I see Tae comes into the room with the camera. I think he is filming.

"Hello!" He says smiling, "Are you almost done?"

"I think almost." I say. He starts shoving the camera in my face. "Tae!"

He just starts laughing.

"Your turn Taeminssi." The Make-up artist says. I stand up and switch with Taemin. I make sure to take the camera too. At this point, Minho and the others join us.

I start filming Taemin and shoving the camera in his face, "How do you like it?!"

"I love getting attention from you." He says smiling at me.

I gasp and turn around, "Don't do that Tae." I say.

"Do what?"

"The thing you do to my heart, it's not fair."

The others 'aww' at my comment. I hand the camera to Minho. I watch as Minho starts talking with the other two. I sit with Taemin has he gets his makeup done.

"You've done photo shoots before right?" Taemin asks.

"Yes! Of course!" I say smiling and giggling.

"I wasn't sure because of your hate for companies." He says laughing.

His makeup is finished and we go to sit on the couch. Key goes to get his done. Minho points the camera at us and I give it a heart.

"How are we?" He asks.

"Good! I'm glad Taemin made me sleep early last night." I say smiling.

"Boyfriend knows best." Taemin says pretending to flip his hair.

"How are you Taeminah?" Minho asks.

"I'm good, I'm excited for this photo shoot."

I look at Minho and ask, "What is this photo shoot for?"

"It's for a magazine that reports on idols. They want to make a pet about the tour." Minho explains.

"Ooohh..." I say as the other three laugh.

We wait for everyone's makeup to be done. While I'm waiting, I look around the room. I see many props here. I wonder what kind of photos they will take with us.

We walk out to see the photographer and the magazine's representative.

"Hello! I'm the representative of this magazine." The lady says, she looks at me and gasps, "It's seriously (Y/n)! Oh my gosh!"

I smile and wave at her. She freaks out a bit and regains herself. She starts talking to Onew and I think they are discussing todays plans.

I look at Taemin and say, "I'm nervous."


"What happens if they make us do weird things..."

Taemin starts laughing and hugs me, "Don't be silly, everything will be fine, we can say no."

"SHINee!" Onew shouts, "Good, now, we will start with group photos, then photos of two, it will go in this order, (Y/n) and Taemin,
(Y/n) and Minho,
(Y/n) and Key,
(Y/n) and I, then,
Taemin and Minho,
Taemin and Key,
Taemin and I, then,
Minho and Key,
Minho and I, finally,
Key and I. Then we will do individual photos, so starting with (Y/n), to Taeminnie, to Minho, to Key then finally me. Does everyone understand?"

I nod my head slowly, trying to figure out what he said. Taemin start laughing as he sees me continue to nod my head, the boys follow Taemin and they all laugh at me.

"Repeat what I said (Y/n)." Onew says laughing.

"We will start with group photos then pair photos. Then we will have individual photos." I say.

"Correct, just so you know, the photo order will be, you and Taemin, you and Minho, you and Key then you and me." Onew says, "No need to worry about the others."


He continues to talk to the representative. We make a small circle so we can all chat.

"(Y/n)! You are shaking!" Taemin says taking my hand in his.

"I'm nervous..." I say giggling.

The other two laugh.

"There's no need." Key says, "They're a good company, we've worked with them multiple times. There's no need to worry or be nervous."

"Kibumssi is right." Minho says, "Don't be scared."

I take a deep breath and Ones comes up to us, "Everyone ready? It's the group photo shoot first."

They roll out a couch in front of the splashed blue and white background. We are all wearing white clothing with some sort of blue on it. I have a blue flower in my hair and a blue plaid skirt.

We head over to the representative and she starts explaining her vision. I don't understand what she's talking about because she is speaking too fast.

"There's no need to understand this bit, they'll tell you what to do." Onew says. "Don't worry."

"(Y/n) sit in the middle of the couch." She representative says. I love over and sit in the middle
of the couch, "Cross your legs, and put your hands on your knee."

I do as she says and she instructs the other boys. Taemin ends up sitting on the arm of the couch, with his legs stretching out and almost touching me. Onew is sitting next to me with one leg on the couch while the other one is dangling. Key is standing behind us but in between Onew and I. He has his hands on the back of the couch, supporting his body while Minho is in between Taemin and I, he is sitting on the back of the couch. He head is facing the camera.

We end up doing more photos, now I'm we are doing the our photos. First, I'm with Taemin.

"(Y/n), put both of your hands on his face, Taeminssi, put your hands on her waist. Make it look natural, like a couple." The representative shouts.

"What are you talking about? We are a couple, no need to act." Taemin says as he gets closer and kisses me.

We go back to modelling and we end up making a lot of photos. Next is Minho.

"Now, dir on the couch both of you and look like your laughing."

I sit down and Minho and I start talking about funny stuff, stories about Taemin when he was younger. Stories about SHINee just after their debut.

"Perfect! Key, your turn." Key comes over, "Stand up and (Y/n), put you right arm on Key's shoulder, perfect... Key, put your right hand on your pocket. (Y/n), put your other hand on your hip."

Finally, it's Onew's turn. I can't wait for this to be over. "Back to back, cross your arms and look this way, look like a gangster!"

I laugh but comply, this is my last pair photo shoot so it's good. I get to rest now.

After a while it is the individual shoots. They bring out the couch again. "(Y/n)!" The representative shouts. I run over and she smiles, "Lie on the couch, but use your left arm to lean on the arm. Then, bring your right left forward a bit, perfect..."

We do more poses and then one the boys finish their shoots we look through the photos. I love them, they're so good! I start screaming and jumping up and down. The representative, the boys, the photographer and their manager is laughing at me. How rude...

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