Chapter 10: More Challenges

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Taemin and I are just hanging around the dorms, we're still shooting at the KBS hotel thing from the show. We walk into his room. As son as we walk in he pulls me in from my waist and hold me. I put my arms around his neck. Our faces are so close together.

"It's hard sometimes." Taemin says looking down at me.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"It's hard to have affection when you know there's cameras everywhere, even in this room. With audio recorders. They could use any footage in this room and any other room."


"Yes, do I've just noticed we should forget about the cameras, we should do what we want to do in our spare time."

"What do you mean by that?"

I feel his lips crash into mine, Taemin and I haven't kissed in a while. It is refreshing. I put my left hand on his cheek and he puts his left hand on my cheek. Our lips move together, in sync.

He breaks away, our foreheads leaning against each other. All you can hear is Taemin and I panting.

"Our break ends soon." He says, "Should we give them permission to used that footage?"

"Sure, why not?" I say giggling.

Taemin turns to the camera, "Feel free to use it friends."

We laugh and head out of the room. Taemin shouts the foot and quickly pulls out his phone, "Let's take a selfie!"

I smile and we take a selfie of him kissing my cheek. He send it to me and puts it on his Instagram, the caption was, "Filming some special episodes with my Sayang!" And a heart emoji next to it. He tags me and I quickly like the photo. I leave three fire emojis in the comments.

Quickly comments role in from fans!
"I knew you were dating (Y/n)! That's so exciting Taemin!"

"Omg she is so cute!"

"Aww Taemin is all grown up!"

"Is that (Y/n) (L/n)?! Taemin you lucky boy!"

And I see three comments by other verified people.
"Maknae! When were you going to tell us about her? She so pretty!" That was from a boy named Key.

"Taemin! She's so pretty!" From Someone called Minho.

"Taemin! Keeping secrets while filming for KBS huh? She looks really pretty and nice. I approve!" From a man called Onew.

I look at Taemin, "They are from SHINee. They are really nice. When we finished these days of filming we can go see them. We live in a house together.

"Ooo I would love that." I say smiling.

He takes my hand and leads me back to where we were filming.

"Welcome back (Y/n) and Lee!" Hwang shouts, "You both took your lovely time!"

"I'm sorry." Taemin says, "We we're taking selfies!"

"Yes, I saw." Rain says smiling, "It was cute."

So, Rain, Taemin and I sit down at a desk and we start filming the next challenge. Rain opens in envelope and say, "Janga challenge!"

"Jenga?!" I exclaim looking at the card.

"Yes! I'm this challenge, you have to build the tallest Jenga tower, on each block there is a question about the other person. If you answer it correctly then you can continue. But if it answer it wrong you have to do a dare made by the crew or the other person! Begin!"

The camera stops and they wheel in a small table with the Jenga tower already stacked.

"Ladies first!" Taemin says, "And you're younger so..."

"Fine!" I exclaim smiling.

I start poking a piece and it comes out smoothly. I look at the question and it reads, "What is their favourite colour?" I look at Taemin and smile, "White!"

"Waahhh! How'd you know?!" Taemin says jokingly.

"I'm a genius!" I say laughing.

Taemin smiles and he takes out a block he looks at the question and says, "When did you first meet." He looks at the crew and says, "Like first ever time or time before dating?"

"First ever!" Rain shouts.

"Aish. Long ago. We met at school, I was studying in Indonesia for a bit of my high school years and I met (Y/n), she was two years below me." He says smiling.

I think for a bit, "Correct!"

He smiles and puts the block on top. This goes on for a while and finally Taemin says, "What's their favourite food?" He looks at me and hums, "Hmm, she has many."

"Ultimate!" I exclaim smiling.

"Ultimate huh?" He stops for a minutes and gives me an evil grin, "Me!" He exclaims. I gasp and he laughs, "Kidding, kidding, I think it's rendang!"

"Wrong!" I say laughing, "It's (your favourite food)."



"First dare!" Rain shouts, "(Y/n), do you have any ideas?"

"I can't come up with dares, you guys can do it!" I reply.

They wait a minute and Hwang starts laughing, "That's perfect!" I hear him say, "Taemin~!"

I look at Taemin and he looks horrified, "Yes..?"

"You have to..." Hwang says and we all give a drum roll, "Talk to this pillow like you'd talk to (Y/n)! All cute and sweet and stuff!"

I laugh and he throws a pillow to Taemin. "Huh?"

"Go ahead!"

"Wait, why not talk to (Y/n)?"

"We wouldn't want to embarrass her, would we?"

"Fine, fine." Taemin takes the pillow and starts sweet talking it. "Aww you're so pretty, I love you so much!"

I start laughing at Taemin and he looks at me, "Aboo boo boo." He starts making noises that he makes to me when he thinks I'm being cute.

"Okay!" Rain says, "That's enough!"

We continue to play until the tower falls on my turn, I scream and Taemin laughs. "You're scared of loud noises!"

"I'm scared of many things Tae!"

Once the Jenga gets cleaned up Rain comes in and says, "(Y/n), Taemin you have 2 days, to learn the choreography to Trouble Maker!"

I look at Rain, he can't be serious, "Trouble maker?"

"Yes! It's going to be so cool!"

Taemin is shocked, "I can't dance that sexy!"

"Learn!" Rain says, "You to (Y/n), I think you'll both do great, we'll be performing it on the debriefing of The Unit."

Rain stands up and leave the room, the rest of the crew follow behind him. I notice the camera is still on. I go to stand up but Taemin pull me back down so I am straddling him.

"Taemin, the camera." I say.

"Leave it, it doesn't matter." He puts his head on my shoulders and I feel him kiss my neck.

"How am I supposed to learn trouble maker?" I ask putting my head on his shoulder.

"We'll have to try our best. It's not like you to act sexy." He says, "You're cuteness is your charm."

I smile and he lifts me head up. I feel his lips on mine. Soon he breaks the kiss and I get off him. "Let's go to a practice room and learn this dance."

"Good idea." He gets up and takes my hand.

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