Chapter 2: A New War

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Inosuke's POV

"Wait here- I need to check on your school schedules." The girl who claimed she was in charge of the school soon walked off. 

"Oi..." I turned to Penizu and saw him just sighing. "Wasn't she just... scary...? Like... she was just trying to mentally beat the rules into our minds... now I'm not too up attending this school..."

I, of course, pushed him off and laughed. "Says the one who promised that he would womanized all the girls in this whole school! Speaking of that, I bet I can beat you in getting a girlfriend. That should put you down more in your place, Penizu!"

He jumps, pointing menacing at me. "My name's Zenitsu! And I bet you would lose immediately! I'm the one not down to lose to such a boar like you! I grew up in big places and I know everything! Unlike a little orphan like you, I have the best social skills than you!"

That's when Gochhiro jumped in with his little sister. "Guys! School's still in session! At least cool it until we're all outside!"

I scoffed loudly, growling at him. "Oi... you can't tell me what to do, Gochhiro!"

"My real name is Tanjiro Kamado." He looks away, sighing heavily. "Please, just really cool it... I don't want to get kicked out of this school because of you guys."

"Hah!" I shouted, and that's when that mean girl walked back in. 

She stared us down and pointed at me. "Come on, let's go. Kanao, you're gonna go back to the Hashira?" The girl, Canny, nodded her head and walked off. "Don't mind her, follow me. I'll show you to the dorms now."

"D-Dorms?!" Penizu shouts, almost like he was gonna die. "W-We have dorms."

Suddenly, the girl kicked him in the face, giving a satisfying smirk. "We don't tolerate any perverts like you. Because of that, everyone is given a dorm in their specifically marked houses. This school is mainly based on for girls, so that's why there's a bigger house for the girls. But since you're one of the few boys attending, you will practically have a whole house to by yourself. Though, Nezuko must stay in a girls' dorm."

Gochhiro gasps, holding onto his sister. "W-What? But... well... Nezuko, can you handle yourself?" She nods her head softly. "Okay..."

"Hurry up and follow me. Try your best to memorize the way back." She started to strut off. It really angered me to know that we're being pushed by this small person. Almost like I wanted to fight her or something to see how strong she truly is. Just by her attitude, she does seem strong. "We don't have much time, dinner will soon start."

*   *   *

"And here, your schedules for class and when we have meals in the grand hall. Dinner's in an hour, so don't be late. Here's more paper for the maps. It can get confusing, so you guys can call us by the phones. They have all the numbers for everything necessary here. I need to go back and prep some things." She says before storming off.

I didn't say anything until after she left. "Kind of girl is she?!" I shouted, growling. "I shall not be held down!"

Gochhiro crossed his arms and pouted a bit. "Well... she is one of the highest scholars in the school... based on how she acts. We need to be vigilant, Inosuke. They have one of the greatest minds in the county!"

"Go ahead and feel confident, Gochhiro. I'm not letting her hold me down like that."

"Aaannd... don't forget our little wage, Inosuke." Kenizy gave a menacing smirk towards me. "I want to up the stakes. We didn't add in such a price for our bet. I bet $100 for me winning. What do you bet?"

"I bet... my katanas!" I chuckled, looking at the luggage that arrived hours before us. "Greatest pieces of art! I can't wait until hunting season comes back... I wanna go hunting."

Kenizy chuckled, "Oh, I'll win those katanas. Fair and square."

We exchanged a gentleman's handshake, hoping we can keep the bet.

That's when Gocchiro walked over and gave the blondy boy a face. "I'll be monitoring this bet. So... no forcing people into a relationship, Zenitsu, and no threatening them, Inosuke." He gave this red-eyed glared at us all. The blondy boy gave into his stature, but I wouldn't dare give into it. I, of course, am stronger.

"Hah! Like I would threaten a girl!"

"That's... untrue..."

"I promise, I'll win. Because this is what I was made for! Gahhh!"

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