Chapter 3: Lesson Number 1

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Aoi's POV

Frustration was gnawing at me slowly when I had to deal with these 2 boys. At least the Kamados were respectable and tried to help me from going insane, but it wasn't always enough. Reports of this blonde boy went around and how he was scaring off all the girls by his weird requests. And not to mention about the Inosuke boy. Jeez, how much he handles me just angers me. He tends to listen to me, but then he would screech out in anger.

Those were the reasons they were pulled from their day school and into all-day detention. Guess who had to watch them? Of course, lil' Miss Aoi.

Well, if I'm honest, I had to watch them for 3 hours and ensure that they get the school rules right. Those 3 hours were from 10 am to 1 pm in the afternoon. That included my lunch. There goes my chance to relieve my anger by chatting to Kanao about them. But she seemed to be calm about the whole problem. I guess venting to her really did help because she listened and often gave advice from time to time.

"When's lunch?" Zenitsu asked while I walked into the detention room. He rose his hand and looked faintly at me. "I'm hungry... there's no snacks-"

"Be quiet!" I shouted, sighing and rubbing my temples. "First things first... I need to tutor you guys for all of your lessons you're missing today. Which ones have you done...?" I looked down at their schedules, seeing that I had to take them to the track for them to do their P.E. activities then they can settle down at the cafeteria for lunch. Then, I had to wait until the other B.G. came around to take over my shift.

"Can we get a snack-"

"Quiet!" I shouted, sighing and getting my backpack. "Follow me, we're going to the track." I said, following them out of the room. 

We made our way down to the track, and we had to change into our gym clothes. Honestly, it felt unnerving when I was alone inside of the changing rooms. Almost like there was someone trying to watch me. Even hiding inside of the bathroom stalls just made me feel uneasy. Thankfully, there wasn't any sort of perverts watching me.

Starting off with stretches, Inosuke was screaming loudly as he made it seem like a challenge he needed to fulfill. Zenitsu was similar like that. Once we were done stretching, I asked them to line up at the starting lines. That's when I counted down so we can somewhat race.

Not even a minute on the track, "Ima break all of you!" Inosuke's voice filled the air once more as he raced Zenitsu on the track. Zenitsu, by far, was the fastest I've ever seen. On the other hand, I was running at a steady pace and breathing carefully. 

They passed me when I was halfway around the track once, and Inosuke shouted at me for being slow. I rolled my eyes as I kept a steady pace. They were wasting all of their energy on their first few laps, while I was gonna keep on running past them. I was wrong. 

4 laps had passed, and I was running out of breath already. Zenitsu and Inosuke continued to run- I lost track of how many laps they had ran. Really, it was greater than how many I had ran. Once I completed my 5th one, I collapsed on the bleachers. I panted heavily as I wearily watched the two boys running after each other. It seemed that they would never run out of energy.

The booming bell rang to call that the class was over, and instructing students to head over to the cafeteria for lunch. I had to stop the boys from running over- for they needed to get changed first. 

Their energy never seemed to run out.

*   *   *

"Taking a break from detention duty?" Little Sumi asked gently as she began to check up on me. Her tray was filled with food, yet she still smiled at me. "Heard those boys are nothing but trouble."

I smiled, chuckling a bit. "I can manage them. Though they are trouble..."

"Good luck, Aoi!"

I waved to her with a smile, "Thanks!" I then walked forward to the room area that was specifically only for all-day detention. Zenitsu was eating silently and properly, while Inosuke was just... messy. His space was just polluted with his mashed potatoes and some vegetables scattered everywhere. Anything fried was already eaten.

He looked at me weirdly as he continued to eat. That's when Zenitsu looked at me with solemn eyes. "Don't mind him... he's like that..."

I nodded, ignoring Inosuke for a bit as I continued to eat my lunch in peace. "Zenitsu, I was curious... why were you harassing the girls lately?"

He jumped and ate with embarrassment on his cheeks. "Ahh... I don't think I can explain it to-"

My fist slammed on the table next to him, which forced him to jump in fear. "Tell me, now."

He nods nervously, shaking his hands. "I-Inosuke and I... we made a bet. To ask out a girl s-successfully. I-I bet a ton of money on it... and Inosuke bet his sacred... toys... authentic ones..."

"All that for a bet? What an idiotic thing to do- the both of you." I sighed, rubbing my temples again. "Listen, finding a person you love isn't a competition. If you ask me, how fast I can kick you across the pool- that's a competition. At least be like your other friend, Tanjiro. At least he would capture a girl's heart better than the two of you. I would give this expensive butterfly to see that happen."

Zenitsu jumped, holding his hand out to me. "Let's make it official then!"

I shook my head, smacking his hand as fast as I could. He yelped in pain- almost satisfyingly. "As I said, it's not a competition. Call of the bet."


"Call it off. You'll be the death of this school. I think a lot of girls would reject you in a matter of seconds. Actually, no, nanoseconds. Once they see your face, they would reject you like if you were a blob of slime."

He sighed, nodding his head a bit. "O-Okay."

"Take that as something that you need to remember." I scoffed, continuing on with my lunch. Already, it was tainted of Zenitsu's words. So lunch wasn't as satisfying as I wanted it to be. Love truly isn't a competition. It has to be earned in the most honest way.

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