Chapter 14: From My Flight...

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Inosuke's POV

I hoped to satisfy Aoi. On this dumb field trip, I had to satisfy her. I would say that there was some mysterious figure up above us trying to piece us together. Aoi wasn't supposed to be on this field trip with us, yet she somehow ended up here. On the other hand, I'm glad to be on this trip. Why? It's... in the forest.

Technically, this trip was meant for biology class, to study the base of life. Seeing the organisms living in an ecosystem- yes, I do my work- for once. The trip was to stay in the woods for 2 whole days and explore the glory of the ecosystems. 

Hiking deep into the woods, Aoi could never look more beautiful. Trekking into the woods, her attire changed a bit. Instead of her wearing the typical Butterfly Girl attire, she changed into wearing some khakis shorts and this light blue t-shirt. Her hair, instead of being in two ponytails tied with a butterfly tie, she had it in one ponytail tied with a blue rubber band. On her back, she carried her own stuff to help support others.

Aoi was assigned to the group with me- including Tanpako and Zenpito... and Tanpoko's sister... uh... Nezuko... I think. Aoi was busy talking to that Nezuko person. I scoffed softly, walking behind Aoi. I wasn't allowed to wear my mask. Disappointed fell upon my shoulders.

"We'll camp here tonight." Aoi says. She took off her backpack and took out the two set of tents. "Boys, you'll share a tent. Nezuko and I will share a tent. Tanjiro, set it up."

She says as she tossed a bag towards him. We slowly unpacked for the night. Aoi took Nezuko to the side and began to set up their tent. Soon enough, the teacher came to us with her hands clasped. "Alright, group 4, I see you guys are already unpacking. Dinner's in half an hour. Look for the campfire, alright?"

Aoi stood up, nodding her head. "Alright. I got it down, Mrs. McParthy." The teacher walked off to the next group as Aoi, once again, took control. I couldn't stop seeing Aoi... this whole time... I couldn't stop. She was just... breath-taking. She was strong- completely strong. "Alright, let's pick up the pace. We should get this done before sundown."

We worked hard until both tents were up. I claimed the area near the door, so I can quickly escape when I needed to. After all, I claimed that area first. No one else could claim it after I had claimed it. Once the tents were up, we all went towards the center for dinner. 

Eating in our own respected groups, I couldn't stop growling at this one guy. He wasn't the only person who began to see how strong Aoi was. His eyes wouldn't leave her alone. Just staring off at her. It... angered me to see that. I wanted Aoi... because she could match how strong I was- both mentally and physically. So... why not and talk to him about her? I had to chase him out. He's scrawny. He's not strong enough for Aoi. That... that I know for sure.

Dinner was soon cleaned up, and it was my time to shine.

"I've seen your eyes," I began to speak with a deep growl in my throat, "stop staring at Aoi."

The boy stared at me as he held some sort of blanket in his arms. "Oh? Someone seems a bit jealous."

"Idiot, back off of her."

The boy shrugged his shoulders, giving me this cold shoulder and a weird smirk. I swear... it was just agitating. Anger continued to build up inside of me- I just hated it. "Someone is jealous of her. Listen, I know Aoi for a long time. I just never thought she would... you know... grow into that kind of young woman. Either way, some guy like you wouldn't be a match with her. She despises you. Haven't you seen her?"

I turned heel, scoffing that idea off. He was wrong. "I'm sure she despises you. She doesn't care for the weak. She only looks for the strong in a pack."

"And you claim to be strong in the pack? Please. With your looks and tone, I'm sure that Aoi would see you as nothing but a trouble-maker. Understand this, boy, it doesn't matter if you're weak or strong in this school. Aoi, like most girls, only find the ones who a well-behaved."

"I am well-behaved!" 

The boy shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "You are not. Aoi is a trained Butterfly Girl, so it's been proven that she's one of the graceful ones. She only looks for guys who have good taste. That is definitely not you."

My fists became clenched as he kept talking about it. "Shut... up..." I scowled. I turned around, ready to throw a punch at him when Aoi came up. She couldn't have approached us at a terrible time like now. "A-Aoi..."

"Inosuke, Satoshi, what are you guys doing?" Her eyebrows were knitting together as her sapphire eyes were switching between the both of us. "Inosuke, were you gonna hit him?"

I opened my mouth to explain myself, that yes, I was gonna hit him. But that brat decided to speak and put words into my mouth. A fraud, a true idiot. He was truly weak. His voice began to waver as his bottom lip quivered. "A-Ah, Aoi... you saved me..."

"What happened, Satoshi?"

"I-I was trying to have a quiet chat at him, and he was gonna hurt me for no reason... Aoi, with you in power, please do something about him... request that he gets kicked out of the school immediately. I-I don't think that he wants to be reformed... he's just a terrible kid after all... not a good student at all. Aoi, trust me... he's no good."

"Lies!" I shouted, losing all control over myself. "You're the liar!"

"And he... he dares to put me under the bus? S-Shame..." The boy began to walk out with his head hanging low. But I swore that I could've seen some sort of smirk on his face as he walked out with defeat.

I turned to Aoi, trying to mend the damage that brat has done... Aoi had this unsatisfied smile on her face. If it was under different circumstances, I wouldn't have minded it. I opened my mouth, just uttering a single word, "I-."

"Enough." She scoffs, looking to the side. "You've been a good student until now. What changed?"

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