Chapter 9: Preparations

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Aoi's POV

"Preparations seems to go well, Aoi." Kanao chuckles softly, taking a walk into the gym. The dance would be tomorrow night. Preparations outside were already taking place. I was standing on a ladder, helping raise a chandelier. "I'm happy to lend my assistance to you."

I waved it off with a small chuckle, "I got it, Kanao."

She nodded and began to walk off.

Getting off of the ladder, I chuckled at the glory of the gym. Most of the decorations were already hung up. A quick glance around the room, and I saw that everything would be quite fitting once we add in the fog machine and the lights in the darkness. From our winter slumber, we shall bloom.

"Ah, it's going so well." Hearing her voice- Hashira Shinobu! I turned around and saw her seeing the hanging lanterns. Her graceful hand was feeling the paper, not tearing it one bit. "I can't wait to see how well this place will look like by the time of the dance, Aoi. Not bad."

I bowed my head gently, "Thank you. Don't worry, I'll be sure to ensure this dance will go smoothly. I can't let this one job go. So many people are counting on me for this annual dance. Please don't worry about it, Hashira Shinobu. Everything will-"

"Are you sure you're not being burdened by all this stress?"

"Stress? I'm not stressing on anything."

My head was turned away from her when I thought about it, but when I looked back to her, she was a few footsteps away from me. "I understand your position, Aoi. Don't fret too much about the dance. Otherwise you'll miss all the important moments."

"What important moments? I haven't forgotten anything, and I'm not aware of anything else."

Hashira Shinobu chuckles softly, taking me outside. We stood on the side, seeing the sun setting below the forest. The fading warmth and bringing in the cold. Spring was definitely coming back to us.

"Oh, just breath in that dusk air, Aoi." She says, spreading her arms out. "Haha, I remember every moment of my youth. I was in a similar spot such as yourself, Aoi. I remember when all of my friends were having fun while I was busy planning every school event out. It soon became my senior year... and how I longed for a happier time."

"Forgive me for asking, but what are you trying to get at, Hashira Shinobu?"

She replied to me with a soft chuckle. "My dear Aoi, what I'm saying is that to not let these school events get to you. I can tell when one's eyes are twinkling for something else- longing for a change."

"I-I don't want to change, Hashira Shinobu."

"That's what they all say, Aoi. I thought the same of you. Please, think about it. I wouldn't mind seeing my little caterpillar grow up into a beautiful butterfly. But becoming a wonderful butterfly isn't always because of their hard work. They do seem happy and wonderful- but not just by growing. Take my little word, okay?"

Any advice from the Hashira Shinobu was to be well-received. "Okay..."

"I wouldn't demand this from you, Aoi, but I hope to see you dance the little night away. After all, I'll be attending to see this beautiful creation."

I nodded my head, "I'll see you then, Hashira Shinobu."

"Oh, and another thing, Aoi," Hashira Shinobu was beginning to walk off, "don't try and lie to yourself about feelings. Trust me. I hid my feelings for someone once, and I didn't realize how much it had impacted me."

My eyes widened when I heard her whisper that last part. The part that she said she had feelings for someone... but... it seems that hiding it wasn't the best. I turned to ask her more- but she had already disappeared. My mouth was agape, confused about what path I should take. 

The feeling she was talking about... I don't believe it. I don't believe about the feelings I would feel. Well, I only felt the feeling of anger to that Inosuke- gah! Why did I refer to his name? I can't believe it... I truly don't believe it... 

I shook my head, throwing my fists in the frisk air. I wanted the anger to remain, but the anger wouldn't stay. Like water, it began to flow out of my body. The bottle I once had that was filled with anger, its contents began to fall through the cracks. I can't keep it all bottled up, not anymore.

My knees then buckled, I fell down onto the soft grass. Am I... not angry at Inosuke anymore? Despite everything he had done... I'm not angry? What is... what is going on with me? Where's my anger for him? That's the one thing I don't understand. Not to add on with Hashira Shinobu's words of wisdom. To not take the night of the dance seriously? To have fun? Enjoy the dance? How can I do such a thing? 

All I've been worrying about was the happiness of others and to keep the name of prestigious school... did I really decline my need to be happy? If I'm honest, letting go and simply enjoying a carefree life... I'm just afraid. 

{Aoi x Inosuke | InuAo} FlutterWhere stories live. Discover now