Chapter 8: Conclusion?

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Inosuke's POV

I scoffed softly as I quickly cut the flowers out of its bed. I don't know why I feel so compelled give such a threatening girl like Aoi flowers. If I start acting like a little weakling and asking her what she would like... how humiliating it would be. I fell to the bottom of the food chain, just to get some sort of winning approval from her. I fell to giving her flowers- the most poor thing any creature would do. But in this realm, this was one of the first steps of getting an approval. So far, I didn't see any of those flowers thrown out.

"So... you were the one giving me the flowers?" That cold voice- Aoi! 

Instead of jumping up like a scared animal, I stood up and gave her the flowers. Thankfully, I wore the mask so she wouldn't see that I was afraid of being caught red-handed. "Hah, does that really matter?"

Her hands were balled up when she put them on her hips. A beautiful scowl came onto her face- and especially her blue eyes just sparked of anger. I hate to admit it... but I've became a little weakling at that moment. A weakling to admit... I liked seeing her like that... admitting that... I enjoy seeing her all angry at me. I could hear my poor heart beating... perhaps this is what a weakling feels like.

"It does matter when you're destroying school property! You've been sending me flowers from the school grounds- you know how much time and effort the gardener put into these flower beds?! He feels destroyed and hurt because of you! You should apologize!"

I began to chortle, feeling my ribs beginning to hurt. "Oh? Apologize? Make me, you little Butterfly Girl. Prove to me you're worth it."

"Huh? Worth it? Worth what?!"

I then began to hand over the wilting flowers to her. "Worth me liking you, of course."

For some reason, she began to shrink away. Her eyes were becoming dull as she took the flowers. Now... it made her such a weakling. She took it... why would I feel something towards a little weakling like- ow!

Growling heavily, I felt that smack against my mask and cheek. The fire for her resumed. It blazed much more. From those dull, blue eyes, the spark of anger returned. "You think you can win me over with stolen flowers?! Ugh, try better next time! Keep this as a reminder, Inosuke- do not mess with the gardens here!"


She stomped off- I could feel her anger still lingering around her. It just brought a small chuckle to my face. The feeling of my heart pounding because of her... I wanted to pursue that feeling. It only lasted with her. Maybe she's possessing some sort of power that makes me want to pursue after her... I just need to see what it was...

*   *   *

Aoi's POV

What nerve of that boy! I should've known that he was the one doing such bad deeds to the flowers at this school! I should've known! But then again... how could I have known? There was no note and all I had to go on was finding out who was picking flowers off of the school grounds. With so many of its students, I can't tell who had done what. I can't tell if they pick the flowers or not.

I rose the flowers Inosuke gave to me- ready to toss it into the trash... until there was this feeling inside of me. A feeling that... I shouldn't ruin these beautiful flowers. Turning it away from the trash, I held it close to my chest. Closing my eyes, I felt everything around me. 

The soft, gentle wind that blew every scent away. The warmth of the sun shining down, with a few clouds scattered in the sky. I could taste the sweetness in the air; I tasted honey for some odd reason. Then... I could hear my heart beating. It sounded... a bit irregular. There was this heavy weight falling in my heart, and I just... 


I shook my head, cutting myself away from that. No... this can't be right. A prestigious Butterfly Girl like me shouldn't be like this. How can this really be? I hate the guy- I hate Inosuke. If I really do hate them... why am I still keeping the stolen flowers? Why do I tolerate him? I can't believe this... I really can't believe this.

{Aoi x Inosuke | InuAo} FlutterWhere stories live. Discover now