Chapter 16: Only For You

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Inosuke's POV

Moving onto the next day, I woke up pretty early. Everyone else was still slumbering. Seeing Aoi breakdown like that, I just thought that it was a normal thing for girls like her. Since we were in the forest and not on school grounds... I can pick flowers for her. 

Slipping out of the tent, I wandered far, but close enough to retreat back to the camp safely. Wildflowers littered the area, so I picked them. I gathered a handful, tying it together by an ivy vine. I chuckled, wandering back to the tent. Already, Aoi was up and stretching. She was already dressed for the day.

"Huh? Inosuke? You're up?" She says as she stares at me with a curious state of mind. Her eyes were pretty... just like some of these blue wildflowers that I found. "You picked... flowers- Inosuke!"

I chuckled, giving them to her. "You guys told me not on school grounds- this isn't school grounds."

"S-Still! Inosuke! Jeez, you never seem to disappoint me with your antics, huh?" Aoi sighed heavily, putting her hand on her forehead. "Lemme guess, it's for me?"

"Of course, Aoi." I handed her the flowers. She struggled to take them from my hands, having this weird look in her eyes. "Here, take it."

She takes it, smiling softly as she lifted it to her nose. She takes a heavy whiff of the flowers, continuing to smile. "Even though it's wrong to pick flowers... it's still a great smell. Thanks, Inosuke. But listen to me next time- don't pick the flowers here. Actually, lemme rephrase that. Don't pick flowers anywhere. Buy them from the stores."

I don't know why I did it, but I leaned close to her and kissed her forehead. We were both stunned about what just happened, but I wasn't going to back out of it like I was a weakling. I stepped back to put a bit of space between us so we can think about that weird kiss. I expected for Aoi to hit me or something... but instead... she stepped forward and leaned against me. 

My cheeks grew warm as she leaned against me. Instead of that mean voice she would always talk to me in... she spoke softly. "Thanks anyways..."

"You're welcome." I say with a slight nod. "Anyways..."

"Aren't you supposed to ask me?"

"Ask... you...?"

Aoi sighed, still holding that bundle of flowers in her hand. With her free hand, she put it on her hip and gave me this weird glare. "Inosuke, you really don't understand how relationships work huh? Lemme give you the basics. If want to be with someone, you ask them out. This is the stage before reaching boyfriend and girlfriend levels. You... really don't know how relationships work, huh?"

I shook my head. "Never did this before."

"I can tell, Inosuke. Anyways, I'll let it go. Just remember... you can ask me out to go to places. For now, get properly dressed, Inosuke. Go and wake the other boys- I got Nezuko." She says, retreating back to her tent. I could've swore that she had this glint in her eyes.

*   *   *

Breakfast was a mix of pancakes and eggs all cooked over a fire. That brat continued to eye Aoi weirdly, giving me these weird glances. But when Aoi decided to sit next to me, that brat got angry, it made me chuckle softly. he finally knew that he was weaker than me. I held Aoi tight to me as we ate breakfast. Zenitsu and Tanjiro were staring at me weirdly, but I didn't care. 

I didn't realize it until now... but Aoi had this blue wildflower in her hair... "When did you put that in...?"

Aoi looked up, confused. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"The flower."

She scoffs a bit, but gave a slight smile. "After I woke up Nezuko. Couldn't let the flowers die in the tent, but it's not too much for me to wear."

"Looks... nice..."

Her cheeks grew a bit pink when I said that. "O-Oh... thanks..." We remained like that for awhile... but Aoi hasn't complained about my behavior or anything. I think... we're... together now...?

{Aoi x Inosuke | InuAo} FlutterWhere stories live. Discover now