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The idea of the wolf was dreamlike at best the next morning.

Taehyung groggily got up and got ready for work.

He'd just about forgotten everything that had taken place if it wasn't for the speckles of red on his sleep shirt.

It had somehow traveled in his dazed stumble to bed last night.

Taehyung looked at it for a long time before everything clicked into place.

It had happened.

He'd have to call Yoongi when he went on lunch break and had a moment to spare.

As for Areum...

It was almost 5:30, but he'd try and get home earlier than normal to talk with her about what happened.

It pained him that so much work was no doubt waiting for him the next day, but he felt he had no other choice.

Areum needed to know the wolf might not make it, and that in the end, it wouldn't be Taehyung's fault.

He was certain he hadn't misread Yoongi's expression.

The wolf lost a lot of blood, and he didn't have much chance for survival.

It was a miracle the poor beast had lasted so long.

Perhaps instead of the what ifs, Taehyung would end up having to tell her that the wolf hadn't survived.

A sick twisting in his gut formed- he really didn't want to be the one to break the news to her.

At work, he did his best not to dwell, so he buckled down and attempted to get last night's work and everything else down as soon as possible.

Every now and then, his thoughts went to Areum crying as she held the poor creature.

You're a doctor, Appa. Heal him! 

And the wolf climbing to his feet even though he had no strength.

He had glared at Taehyung, jabbed at him with his nose, and forced him to follow as though saying: Come on you idiot. Let's not keep the girl waiting.

By the time lunch arrived, Taehyung was already exhausted. He'd gotten a lot of work done, but still felt like no progress was made.

It was all he could do to remember to call Yoongi for the bad news. He already felt horrible and guilty at the thought of his daughter's accusing glare.

"Hey Tae,"  Yoongi greeted, sounding not at all sorrowful. "Sup?"

Taehyung felt like he was swallowing a golf ball, "Yoongi..."

"Hey, great news Taehyungie!" Jimin's voice chirped over the line, "You can stop sounding like you're marching to your own funeral, 'cuz guess what? The wolf made it through the night!"

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat, "What?"

Yoongi sounded farther off, probably actually treating the animal, while Jimin held the phone on speaker, "I have no clue how he did it-and believe me, I know. I was monitoring him all night- but he's already strong enough to lick his wounds. Had to but a cone on the poor devil-"

"Oh, Taehyungie. You can just see it in his eyes. He hates Yoongi for it!" Jimin giggled out.

"Well for better or worse, his wounds are already looking like they're healing. Areum might just end up with it sooner that you thought..."

Taehyung couldn't believe his ears.

He was sure his mouth was gaping wide enough to catch flies, "W-what?"

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