2: midnight

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Taehyung had trouble sleeping that night.

It had nothing to do with the call he'd had with Yoongi warning him of their visit, and it wasn't even the excitement his daughter had shown at the thought of getting to properly meet her new friend.

Both of them had expressed joy and determination that unsettled Taehyung's nerves, but that wasn't the reason why he was tossing and turning, unable to close his eyes.


That's what he remembered from his night when Areum pounced on him early the next morning to wake him up.

The silver-tinged eyes of the wolf that glared at him when he tried to address his wounds.

The eyes that gleamed with the same determination Areum and Yoongi both had spoken with.

The eyes that looked at Areum's crying face with a softness that hadn't matched up with any wounds that littered his body.

Taehyung knew that in allowing Areum to take the wolf home, he would also have to help take care of it.

Buy him food, perhaps play with him if Areum demanded he do so, but that wasn't what Taehyung felt sick about.

It was the wolf.

Taehyung couldn't easily put what he had felt into words, but the wolf seemed to possess this frightening intelligence even in the simple glances and glares he threw at Taehyung.

One that no wolf could ever hope to mimic.

So why was Taehyung allowing his daughter to bring home such a beast that might potentially become a danger to them?

That was a question he didn't know the answer to.

When Areum jumped on Taehyung's bed, giggling and calling for Appa to wake up, Taehyung was dazed with uncertainty.

He could call all of this off, he could still protect the family he had left.

All he had to do is call Yoongi and cancel the visit to tell Areum they couldn't keep the wolf after all.

He could come up with something.

Some kind of excuse.

But Taehyung dreaded the look of sadness that would overwhelm his daughter if he told her.

After all, she didn't know the danger he sensed. She didn't know what she was getting herself into.

She just wanted a friend.

Areum fell on top of Taehyung and forced a grunt from him.

She giggled at his disheveled appearance, and Taehyung couldn't help but smile a little.

"It's nine o'clock, Appa!" she informed.

He blinked in surprise.

He'd never slept in so late before.

"Time to get up! You promised!"

"Then you better get off, Ari," Taehyung said immediately. "I can't get ready with heavy Areum on my chest."

Areum jumped off in a heartbeat, squealing with excitement.

Taehyung temporarily forgot about the possible danger and just enjoyed how happy his daughter looked.

He was able to move and get ready after he told the girl to get her stuff together and eat some breakfast.

"I already have, Appa! It's not my fault you're a slow poke!"

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