9: dusk

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Taehyung finally figured out the amount of shit he was in, weeks after the picnic.

His leg was healed up nicely, if a bit tender still, and he could walk freely without the crutches to support himself.

With his newly claimed freedom he returned to work, burying himself in paperwork that he had missed as he was recovering.

Though he was glad to be back and enjoying himself again, he'd been discussing with Jin and the manager ways he could cut back his schedule so he could go home earlier.

He wanted to become a good father for Areum, after all.

Jin had grinned slyly at Taehyung's remark, like he knew more than what the doctor was telling him.

"Just Areum, huh?"

Taehyung couldn't answer him. He 'd been trying too hard to hide his blush.

He couldn't find it in himself to deny that a tiny, tiny part of why he was cutting back his schedule was because of Jeon Jungkook.

After all, the man had popped back into his life a couple times after he had returned to work, and Jin, even though he'd heard the truth about what happened, was convinced that they were a couple still.

Not that Jungkook had ever shaken his beliefs, either.

When he could come by, Jungkook would talk with Taehyung during working hours until he inevitably got caught by someone other than Jin.

He would sneak off, wait things out, then he would pop out of nowhere to scare the living daylights out of Taehyung and offer him coffee as compensation.

His treat, the male told him.

Perhaps even late dinner, if any restaurants were still open.

Those days sent Taehyung's heart into flutters whenever he thought about Jungkook.

The man was undeniably handsome in a dark mysterious sort of way, and he had an attractive personality to couple with it.

Though he was shy under his confident persona, he had a healthy sense of humor and was patient when it came to explaining foreign concepts to Taehyung.

And those seemed to happen a lot.

It didn't help that Jungkook acted like he returned Taehyung's feelings.

In times like that, Taehyung's heart would seize into a panic.

What about Areum? Shouldn't she have a mother and a father, not two fathers? What would Lisa think?

Shit- if it keeps going and they actually became a couple, then wouldn't Jungkook have to go to Areum's birthday party? With Lisa  there?

Taehyung would toss and turn in bed, unable to sleep, whenever those thoughts arose.

But he was thinking far into things, wasn't he? 

They weren't even a couple. 

They were hardly friends.

And then there was Lisa.

His ex-wife probably had good intentions, but he didn't appreciate her calling weekly to ask about Areum and her birthday.

And him...if he was having any luck finding someone.

He was going through enough stress about the whole idea as it was, he didn't need someone else making it worse.

As the weeks ran on, Taehyung's only source of comfort was Kookie.

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