3: shadow

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Taehyung returned to his regular schedule once Areum had to return to school the following Monday.

He wasn't behind on his work just as Jin had promised, but the fact that he wasn't ahead  twisted him up worse than anything.

He couldn't help as many people as possible if he spent all of his time with his daughter and his impromptu wolf patient.

Even if what he did made him a better father.

The wolf was adjusting to life in the mansion about as well as Taehyung had expected.

That is to say: he could only hold still from struggling against his bonds whenever Areum was sitting with him in his small corner of the dining room.

Taehyung had told the chef to get the wolf only real meat, no dog food, to which the wolf ate, but ate disdainfully.

Taehyung had no clue how they were going to make it through the week with Areum going to school and Taehyung going to work.

The housekeepers were very wary of the wolf, and with good reason.

The beast would flatten his ears, tuck his tail between his legs, and growl when anyone other than Areum was near.

That Monday morning, Taehyung had gotten up with his alarm at his usual five o'clock. The sky out of his window was completely dark, save for the stars scattered across the sky in the waning moon.

He got ready for work, unusually groggy, but he blamed that on getting used to sleeping in.

Showering and getting dressed, Taehyung picked up the manila folder on his dark oak desk and flipped through the papers within.

If he were going to be able to catch up, he'd have to work late for the entire week. 

The thought wasn't so appealing to him anymore.

Sighing, Taehyung stuffed the folder into his bag and headed to the kitchen in complete darkness, knowing not even the housekeeping staff would be awake at the time.

He shuffled through the labyrinth of hallways easily in the dark, having grown accustomed to walking the path over the years.

When he reached his goal, he flipped on the light of the kitchen and started the coffee brewer.

There was a mug already under the nozzle as always, so the chef was certain that Taehyung didn't accidentally stain his beautiful countertops again.

The doctor took his coffee without cream or sugar, the harsh bitter taste helping wake him up.

He stumbled to the dining room, plopped into a chair, and eyed the digital clock gleaming in the darkness.

5:42 AM

He still had a bit of time before he had to leave.

A grumble from the corner almost made Taehyung spill his coffee in surprise.

He set down his mug and glanced over, meeting eyes with the wolf in the dim lighting.

The wolf seemed rather irritated at being prematurely woken up.

He snorted, ears flattened, and buried his nose in the extra large doggy bed that Areum had chosen for him the day they'd taken him home.

It was a pleasant navy blue color with a brown hem, and the wolf nearly blended into it in the dark room.

Taehyung was tempted to apologize to the wolf, but he held himself back. 

What use was there to talk to an animal that couldn't understand him?

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