11: son

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*adorable new character alert*

Just a dream.

At least, that's what Taehyung wanted to believe.

And did...

For about ten minutes.

Which was just enough time to wake up, brush his teeth, quickly brush through his hair, thinking that everything he had gone through was merely fantasy and left only the tiniest of aches in his chest, and walk into the kitchen just to almost trip over a wolf.

He looked down, ready to scold Kookie for falling asleep in the doorway, but he found himself meeting the melted-chocolate gaze of a wolf that wasn't Kookie.

The wolf leapt to its feet.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep, but it was so warm..." it said in an ashamed voice.

A child's voice.

Taehyung couldn't decide whether it was male or female.

The memories of last night flooded back to Taehyung, making him stagger back a couple of steps.

It felt like a boulder decided to make itself at home in Taehyung's chest, constricting his breathing and stopping his heart.

Fuck, was the only thought on Taehyung's mind.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck not a dream.

The wolf, which was much smaller than Kookie, tilted its head in concern.

It padded forward, head held low, and asked, "Are you okay, mister? "

Taehyung cleared his throat, patting his chest as though trying to force his heart rate to return to normal.

It wasn't healthy the amount of times his heart had skipped beats in the last couple days- in the last months.

"You- you're Kai, um Huening Kai, aren't you?" he asked, voice barely able to hold out over a whisper.

The wolf perked up at his words.

"Yep! Appa told me that you would know who I am! Did he talk about me much, mister? Did he tell you about the time with the sparrows? Oh! Oh! Wait! He told me you wouldn't know much about werewolves. Why is that, mister? Oooh! I could tell you the story with the sparrows! It was so much fun! The rest of the pack was laughing super hard after it happened!"

"Heuning Kai. Hyuka," Jungkook piped in, voice slightly scolding but mostly amused.

He came padding in wearing his Kookie skin, giving his son a good-natured jab to the side.

He snorted at Kai's yip of surprise, the sound more happy than Taehyung thought possible after what had happened last night.

God, last night.

"Leave Taehyung alone, won't you? He's only just woken up. Let him at least eat, first."

Kai tucked his tail between his legs. "But Appa!" he whined.


The younger wolf flinched and scampered off, muttering as he left the room.

Jungkook turned his head to the man, meeting eyes in a look of solemn reflection.

In that moment, it was clear to Taehyung how different the wolves were.

Their eyes were the only things that looked similar- Kai was leaner with glossy sun kissed brown fur that gently eased from light to dark. Not the midnight black all over Kookie's body.

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