14: birthday

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Areum's squeal of excitement drew Jungkook and Taehyung's attention from their hushed conversation, man and wolf, heads close together, on the couch.

"Uncle Yoongi! Uncle Jimin! You're here!"

The wolf chuckled softly and tucked his forelegs under his body. "Seems as though the guests are arriving early for Areum's party."

"Yoongi and Jimin would never miss Ari's birthday. Not for the world."

The werewolf sent him a warm, amused glance, silencing as Areum came into the room. Yoongi was in tow behind her, Jimin giggling as he watched his husband being dragged

Taehyung's brother praised the room with a hint of surprise and admiration.

Jungkook and Kai had gone out with Areum while Taehyung had been working to gather the decorations. Even Namjoon came back to help out.

Yes, Jungkook's brother had journeyed all night so he could spend time with his family.

Taehyung was pleasantly surprised with his high intelligence, sophisticated manners, as well as his surprising gentleness towards almost everything.

It was a definite opposite to the intimidating werewolf authority he had witnessed the day before.

Areum wanted a moonlit party.

Silver, black, white ribbons, glitter...they had gone all out to make the entire room look like the woods at night.

A dark carpet stretched the length of the room with the same shade hanging over the walls from curtains. The lights were dimmed but for little white electric candles that flickered as though they were the real thing scattered over the floor. White lights hung from the curtains and hugged the ceiling sparsely, resembling stars.

"It's gorgeous," Jimin said.

"Astounding. Did you do this, Tae?" his husband completed his thoughts.

Taehyung smiled at his brother, sharing a knowing glance with his daughter. "I did next to nothing, Yoongs."

Yoongi's eyebrows rose. "Who, then? The door man?"

"It was Jungkook!" Areum supplied helpfully. She saw her father's sharp look of warning and giggled. "Oh, sorry! That was a surprise. Don't tell anyone I said that."

Yoongi frowned and looked between Areum and Taehyung suspiciously. "Who?"

Taehyung waved a dismissive hand at his brother. "Don't worry about it, okay? You'll see him soon enough."

He offered a small smile to Jimin, as the other man seemed to give him a knowing smirk.

Jungkook—currently Kookie—coughed and nosed Taehyung's outstretched arm.

Kookie's action caught his brother's attention. "I see you still have him," he mused, all thoughts of Jungkook apparently slipping from his mind. "Weren't you going to return him to the wild? It'll be next to impossible, now. He'd be too used to human attention."

It was Taehyung's turn to cough. "Got a bit attached," he muttered.

Areum giggled again.

Kookie huffed and nudged the doctor again, eyes gleaming.

Jimin smiled, Yoongi looked almost relieved. "That's good, brother. I'm happy for you all."

"Hey, hey! Uncle Yoongi! Uncle Jimin!!" Areum bounced on her heels and tugged on her uncle's shirt. "I want you guys to sit with me! Here, here!" She dragged them over to a couple of bean bags, closing a circle between chairs and the couch.

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