10: night

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That's why you have the same scar," Taehyung blurted out.

Jungkook flinched, turned his head to the man, and frowned.

The man had been leading Jungkook down the hall, after showing him that Hoseok had been safely knocked out and taken to his room to sleep.

The pieces had been slowly falling into place in Taehyung's mind.

"The scar. Over your eyebrow. I saw the same one on Kookie- the wolf- your wolf form, I mean- ah, shit. Forget it."

Jungkook's confusion faded from his face, replaced with shame.

The look would have surprised Taehyung, if he'd been thinking straight.

"Yes. That would make sense. Come on, let's wait until we're in your room, alright? I-you shouldn't want your daughter or one of the staff to overhear."

Taehyung didn't argue.

Time passed quickly as he followed Jungkook down the familiar labyrinth of hallways into Taehyung's bedroom.

He didn't have the ability to think about how awkward it was that Jungkook was taking him to his room to talk at the time, but later he would be flushing in mortification.

The implications, should someone have overheard, would've been terrifying the following morning.

As it was, it was the most Kim Taehyung could do to follow Jungkook blindly into his room and sit down as the man shut the door, locked it, and loped over to the window to draw the curtains shut.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung from across the dimly lit room, eyes dark and uncertain.

He shifted from foot to foot and fiddled with the hem of his leather jacket. He glanced at the man, looked away, and then glanced back

Finally, after a brief sigh and a steely expression etched into his face, Jungkook opened his mouth to speak.

"I'm dreaming, aren't I?" Taehyung asked before a word could escape Jungkook's mouth.

The man's- werewolf's- jaw hung open for a couple moments before snapping shut.

His gaze flickered away again, darkening to something close to obsidian.

"Maybe," was all he said in reply.

Silence ate its way between them, thick like fog.

Jungkook gritted his teeth and looked back at Taehyung. "I can make it that. A dream," he told him.

His voice was so soft, Taehyung had to strain to hear, even in the silence of the room. "If you want to live in peaceful ignorance, I can wipe your memory. I can wipe yours, Areum's- everyone's. You wouldn't have to worry about me ever again."


That one name triggered a flash of hot anger through Taehyung's veins.

"You lied to us," he accused.

The werewolf flinched, seeming to hunch into himself with every word Taehyung spoke.

"How so?" he whispered.

"You didn't tell us," Taehyung said.

He breathed in deeply and composed himself before his anger could get the better of him. "You should've told us. You should've told me. But you didn't. You just made me think that you were two different beings- two friends I could trust. You fucking ass, I trusted you!"

Jungkook nodded, his bangs concealing his eyes.

"I know what I did," he murmured, "And I can tell you why I did that. Will you listen?"

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