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Lisa was the only one who hadn't leapt from their seat.

The only one who was silent.

Jungkook and Taehyung had waded into the crowd to face the onslaught.

The blond had expected something terrible to happen—for someone to disclaim him or say that he had dishonored the family name or something extreme like that. 

But it was quite the opposite.

Holland had slapped him proudly on the back. "That's my boy! Taking after your father, as always."

Jin, to be expected, had been jittery with excitement. "Why do you look like a deer in the headlights? You finally outed yourselves, you moron! And you. Don't you be missing any family reunions, you hear me, Jeon?"

Yoongi seemed a bit uncertain at first, but as soon as Jimin attacked the two in hugs, he was pleased. "If Areum loves him already, that's good enough for me. Welcome to the family, bud," he said.

He gave Jungkook a hearty slap on the back, just like Holland.

Everyone else voiced their joy about the situation.

None of them had insulted either of them, which was a plus for Taehyung. He'd expected more out of that moment.

Something worse. Something violent.

But even Taeyong had come up to them with good words, even if those had been to "use protection, kids!" with an accompanied wink.

It was really starting to calm Taehyung down. He had nothing to fear.

Everyone accepted them. They even seemed to like Jungkook and his son.

He breathed a sigh of relief and exchanged warm glances with the werewolf. 

It would be okay.

Then Lisa finally made her presence known.

She coughed from her seat and stood gracefully, wading into the crowd to give her ex-husband a cool look. "Taehyung," she said, her voice cutting into the noise like a jagged blade.

Her entire persona was calm.

Too calm, rather, it was steely.

Taehyung's senses went on high-alert again.

Jungkook stepped closer to him as Lisa stopped. Their hands found each other, lacing comforting fingers.

Lisa seemed to size Jungkook up with her eyes. Her mouth turned down in a thoughtful frown. "Your name," she began. "It's Jungkook, right?"

"Jeon Jungkook, yes," the man replied, his own voice guarded. He raised his chin, making himself seem taller. "And you are Lisa? Lee Lisa?"

Lisa nodded. "I am. I suppose you've heard of me, then."

"Plenty," Jungkook replied vaguely.

Silence stretched on between them.

Holland coughed, breaking the strained moment.

"Son," he spoke to Taehyung, gesturing toward Lisa with pointed eyes. "Introduce him."

Taehyung cleared his throat awkwardly. "But Appa, she already knows..."

He received a glare from his father and a small chuckle from Jungkook.

His eyes darted to the latter. "Don't make fun of me," he complained.

Lights were dancing in the werewolf's eyes. He gestured his head, black locks of hair falling over his cheeks, and smirked up at the blond. The look was playful, innocent.

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