13: truest forms

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"We'll never stop them now."

Taehyung laughed at the tone of Jungkook's voice— the odd mix of exasperation and fondness.

It was cute, in a way, how he fluttered after the children as they giggled and ran ahead up the forest trail, held back only when Taehyung took his hand and let them lead.

They wouldn't get too far, Taehyung assured him. Just let them have their fun.

The werewolf shot him a withering look, but not without a touch of warmth. "You just had  to go out and buy them ice cream, didn't you?" he said with a huff. "You know that I prohibit sugar for a reason."

"What's the problem with a little treat?" Taehyung said.

He offered Jungkook his best smile. "I just figured they deserved something nice after having to deal with us all of these months."

Jungkook said nothing as he gifted Taehyung with a smile of his own.

He adjusted their hands so he was clasping back, rubbing the pad of his thumb into the back of Taehyung's hand.

The man felt his face heat up.

He cleared his throat and looked away into the trees.

It was a clear and beautiful day: not too warm with a pleasant breeze shifting through his hair every few minutes. The air smelled like rain, birds were chirping and singing and flapping about.

Jungkook's hand was warm— not hot, not sweaty, but a pleasant almost lukewarm heat that just barely registers into the skin.

Taehyung was sure his was sweaty, or becoming sweaty, but Jungkook didn't complain.

He looked content with holding Taehyung's hand.

Jungkook turned to meet the doctor's stare, smiled softly, squeezed his hand, and nodded.

We're fine.

Taehyug was relieved of his nervousness, and returned the pressure.

The werewolf's smile widened minutely and he watched ahead for the children. "Something's on your mind," he guessed.

The circles rubbed into Taehyung's hand calmed him. "Yeah."

Jungkook waited for him to continue, the silence between them waned in the life of the forest.

The children, giggling over their dripping cones, kicking up leaves and skipping down the trail as though there was no darkness or pain in the entire world.

Everything was peaceful.

Jungkook's thumb hadn't ceased its soothing strokes.

It was rough like the pads of Kookie's paws, calloused yet oddly soft and comfortable to the other man.

He turned to Jungkook again.

"I was wondering about something concerning werewolves."

The black haired man's ear twitched at his sudden voice, and he glanced over.

His dark bangs fell just over his eyes. "And what would that be?"

Taehyung swallowed. "Just, you know, if there were certain things you all do..."

The werewolf must have guessed Taehyung's intent just by his flustered tone of voice. His eyes dusted over with warm amusement.


The doctor grunted and said nothing else.

Jungkook smirked. "You didn't elaborate," he accused, no bite in his voice. "How am I supposed to know what you're talking about? What do werewolves do? As opposed to the other thing that werewolves do? How am I supposed to take that?"

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