6: starlight

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"You say he's coming over today?" Areum asked, bouncing on the sofa in the living room.

She looked a little too excited about the idea, and was beaming at her father who was sitting next to her.

Kookie grumbled at the girl's happy squeal, but otherwise seemed to be indifferent about her actions from his place on the rug next to Taehyung's feet.

The man sighed from his place on the sofa.

He didn't have the heart to scold Areum for bouncing on the couch, even though it was making his leg throb in pain.

"Yes, Areum. He'll be coming soon."

"How soon?" Areum demanded.

"Soon," Taehyung said.

Areum stopped bouncing and sat properly in her seat. She pouted at him.

"But Appa," she said in a whining voice, "How soon?"

Taehyung couldn't help the smile that crossed his face.

"Soon," he repeated.

Areum huffed irritably.

Kookie, tired of all the noise, sat up and yawned.

His midnight colored fur was beautiful and glossy from all of the brushing Areum had given him, though Kookie never stopped halfheartedly trying to cease her actions.

He sat his chin on Taehyung's uninjured knee and blinked up at them.

Taehyung reached over, brushing a finger over the wolf's forehead. Kookie's eyes closed.

"Sorry, Kookie. We're ruining your evening nap, aren't we?"

Kookie huffed, closing his teeth gently over Taehyung's knee.

"I'll take that as a yes," the man chuckled.

The wolf didn't answer.

He stood, stretched, and headed off in the direction of the backyard.

"I guess he wants to sleep outside, we're so loud," Taehyung said. "Areum, would you mind helping him open the door?"

Areum jumped up, "Sure, Appa!"

She dashed after the wolf.

Taehyung smiled, picking up the book he'd set down, going to a random page and skimming over the words with his eyes.

It was a medical book that Taehyung had carried when he was still in college.

But, his mind wasn't focused on the time-worn book.

In reality, he was like Areum. He had no clue when the man would be arriving.

The subject had been something forgotten to discuss before Jungkook decided to say goodbye.

The man shook his head.

No. He wouldn't start thinking about that again.

At least, not until he could ask Jungkook about it if they were ever alone...

Taehyung sighed, closing the book.

He hadn't been feeling well after that day.

It wasn't the broken bones that kept him down. He'd always been able to suppress pain well without the help of medication.

But, he was always only halfway aware of things happening around him.

The other half, a chaotic mess of emotions and confusion.

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