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Almost two decades had passed since the prophecy appeared on the stone

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Almost two decades had passed since the prophecy appeared on the stone. The kingdoms' fear of Morana eventually settled as their lives returned to normal, but the magic users never found closure. Visions of Morana's destruction and ruin flooded their thoughts daily. The magic users were forced to spend long hours together, meeting in each other's kingdoms to make an attempt at devising a plan. This time, Fairy Godmother summoned the magic users. Everyone filed to the table that was located on the kingdom's grand balcony and took their seats.

"Time is ticking," Fairy Godmother declared to begin the meeting. "She grows stronger and stronger every day. I can feel it, it's weakening me."

Zeus took a seat next to Fairy Godmother. "I agree, and may I be the first to say that we do not have youth on our side this time," he paused for a moment, flashing a radiant and ageless smile, not a single wrinkle in sight. "Well, not we, you all."

"Immortality may shelter you from a grave but even you alone, Zeus, cannot defeat an army evil," Grandfather Powhatan pointed out, annoyed by Zeus's arrogance.

Zeus shifted in his seat, defeated by the words of the Great Chief. "Take a joke, old man. Ya know for how ancient you are you still bite back."

"Don't worry Grandfather Powhatan, his intelligence lacks," Triton scoffed. "His brother is the same way. I suppose it runs deep in the gene pool."

"Boys!" Fairy Godmother shouted impatiently. "Do you not understand what is upon us? What could wipe us out at any moment if we don't do something? Your kingdoms may not yet feel the toll of this evil surging through the lands." Fairy Godmother stood to her feet and glided to one of the pillars of the castle that belonged to Henry and Cinderella. Her fingertips brushed away a layer of vines. Below that layer of bright green leaves was a layer that was not healthy and full of life but was brown and dead. "Deep within the roots of Aireviel, the kingdom is dying, slowly wasting away into the ruin that Morana desires."

She received several wide-eyed expressions.

"The children are the answer. As we all know, they've been training their whole lives for this," said Grandfather Cassim. He ran his hand over the stone that shone within his scepter. "It is time to pass down our legacy."

"Well then," Fairy Godmother sighed and rejoined the rest. "We must begin the process. Is everyone accounted for?"

"Where is Willa?" Grandfather Powhatan inquired.

Fairy Godmother pulled a dark maroon stone from the inside of her silver cloak. "She and her wisps have been monitoring the woods, keeping an eye out for any sign or Morana. She has already done her part, now, we must finish it."

"We are still missing two," Triton pointed out.

Fairy godmother rolled her eyes. "I made it very clear that we were meeting today at this time!"

As if the two other magic users could hear Fairy Godmother's complaining, they bursted through the doors. Orion, the guardian of the kingdom of Elvaria, was dragging Mushu, the guardian of China, by his tail.

"Would you change back to human you damn dragon!" Orion shouted through grunts.

"I told you I didn't want to come!" Mushu hissed back.

Zeus slowly rose from his seat and corralled Mushu into his massive arms.

The dragon stopped struggling and stuck his tongue out. "Damn you you Olympus freaks."

"Still running from responsibilities?" Grandfather Powhatan said shaking his head.

Mushu refused to make eye contact. "No..."

"C'mon Mushu, we need you," Zeus pleaded.

"Aw fine." Mushu grumbled. His eyes glowed a vibrant red, which started to coat the entirety of his figure. The light dissipated after a moment, leaving a man with fair, wrinkled skin and dark hair. A red crystal glowed radiantly from his chest and eventually dimmed. "I mean if I got the big guy begging, it must be important."

Zeus released his grip and the man fell to his feet. As the tension settled, everyone made their may back to their seats.

"That, it is," Fairy Godmother exhaled with disappointment. "It is the day we wished never to come, but our age holds us back this time. We are not the people we used to be. I know you feel her evil, it's weakening all of us." Fairy Godmother removed her magic wand from her cloak, beaming with blue light in her pale hand. She set it next to the maroon stone on the gold table. "Our magic must be gifted to our youth, only they can defeat her."

"She is right," Orion said. He unsheathed his sword and laid it down on the table.

Grandfather Cassim set his scepter down as Grandfather Powhatan lifted his headpiece off his head. Zeus removed his thunderbolt from its holding on his back and Triton followed Zeus's actions by tossing his triton to the table. All eyes fell on Mushu, who was hunched back in his chair with arms folded over his chest.

"For god's sake Mushu don't make us rip it out of you!" Cassim groaned.

Mushu took a deep breath and placed his hand over his chest. The light shone through his fingers as he curled them over the gem. He opened his palm, showing that he removed the stone from his chest and turned his hand over to let it fall onto the table.

He slouched back into the back of his chair. "You people are crazy."

Once all the possessions had been retrieved from the magic users. Fairy Godmother placed her right hand on Zeus's shoulder. The others followed suit, placing their hand on the person that sat to the right of them. Their eyes fell to a close as their minds sunk together in one thought. The items were enveloped into an intense and unified light. The light grew and grew until a beam split through the air and disappeared.

The magic users let theirs eyes flutter open. There, resting on the table, were now eight amulets hanging from silver and gold chains.

Fairy Godmother took the necklace in her hand and studied it for a moment. She looked up to the others. "Send word to your kingdoms. The children must be prepared for the journey ahead."

𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 // 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘤Where stories live. Discover now