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"Can you run me through what the heck is going on one more time?" Corrine asked while she sheathed her sword and put two more blades inside her boots

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"Can you run me through what the heck is going on one more time?" Corrine asked while she sheathed her sword and put two more blades inside her boots.

Fairy Godmother sighed and let out a chuckled. "For the last time, Corrine, you can't go on this journey alone."

Corrine flipped a dagger up in the air, caught it by the handle and shoved it into a pocket on her vest. "Why not."

As Corrine finished getting ready, Fairy Godmother approached her with the magical necklace dangling from her fingertips. Corrine ducked her head under the chain and let the retired magic user place the stone around her neck.

"You can't be alone," Fairy Godmother said. She gestured to the amulet. "That can't be alone either."

The heavy bedroom door creaked open as Cinderella and Henry Charming entered the room to see their daughter off. 

Corrine raced into their arms. "I'm going to miss you," she said, her words muffled by her father's suit.

"And us to you, my beloved daughter," Cinderella exhaled.

After taking in those final moments with her parents, Corrine pulled away to study them one last time for who knows how long.

Henry unsheathed his sword and bestowed it to Corrine. "I want you to take this with you, let it serve you well in times of battle."

Corrine took the weapon in her hand. She lifted it up into the sunlight, watching the beams bounce off the steel.

"It's beautiful," Corrine smiled. She unsheathed her sword and sheathed her father's in its place. "Thank you, for everything."

"You will do great things," her mother said sweetly. The sounds of the gates opening caused them both to turn their attention to outside. Cinderella looked back to Corrine. "Are you ready, my love?"

Corrine nodded.

Fairy Godmother took the princesses' hand in her's. "Good, because they're here."


Corrine couldn't recall the last time the gates opened for her to leave, they only opened when she was forced to return. The sight of her kingdom actually letting her leave made her stomach turn a little but she made herself believe that it was mostly excitement. She couldn't really tell because there were at least five different emotions swirling through her head, but none of them mattered. She would do anything for her kingdom, anything for her family. Up ahead, she could see seven other royals on top of horses that looked all around her age.

Corrine leaned over to Fairy Godmother, who was walking next to her and whispered, "Can I just enchant them all to automatically like me?"

"Oh, child," Fairy Godmother chuckled. "The magic doesn't work on others who wield the amulets. Darling your last name is Charming, make the most of it."

Corrine nodded but was still not convinced considering she's embarking on a journey with seven people she'd just met.

"You're right. It's just a group of people who've never met and know nothing about each other. What could possibly go wrong?" Corrine muttered sarcastically.

Fairy Godmother gave her an elbow to her side and continued across the cobblestone towards the royal children.

"Welcome!" Fairy Godmother smiled as she threw her arms out with gratitude. "Your courage to accept this embarkment will forever be indebted to you."

A golden blonde haired boy in the center bowed his head and said, "It is our pleasure to serve our kingdoms."

There was a moment of dead air between the group.

"So what are we gonna do now?" An Asian boy to the far right piped up. "Go around in a circle and say a fun fact about ourselves?"

His comment earned him several laughs. When the laughter died out he put his hand on his chest and played along. "Hello everyone," he joked. "My name is Bai. I serve the kingdom of China and my power is shapeshifting."

"Hiii Baiii," the boy next to him mocked. The brown haired boy followed after Bai. "I'm Kai. I'm from the kingdom Senavyn and I can control the water and weather."

"Dude, our names rhyme!" Bai exclaimed happily as he gave Kai a friendly punch in the arm.

The girl next to Kai smiled and shook her head. "This is stupid," she chuckled to herself. "I'm Nizhoni of Seothia and my power is telekinesis."

Nizhoni looked to the boy the spoke up first. "I'm Eros," he began. "I serve Olympus and I can make people tell the truth."

"So you're like a god?!" The dark hair girl to his right asked eagerly.

"No, not really. I'm human," Eros smiled bashfully.

"Well, anyway," the girl continued. "Hi, I'm Aurelia. Well, you can call me Aura...or Lia...or whatever you want. I'm from the kingdom of Elvaria and my power is florakinesis" She looked to the next girl. "Oops, I was rambling again wasn't I? I'm sorry, what's your name?"

The girl with red hair chuckled at Aurelia and bowed her head. "I'm Andrea of DunBroch and I have enhanced senses." She gestured to the boy at the very end. "And you?"

"Axel," he stated with a mere smile. "I'm from Agrahbah and my power is relational identification."

Bai wrinkled his nose. "What the hell is that?"

Axel winked at him. "It means I can read your feelings and discover your deepest. Darkest. Secrets."

Bai's eyes widened.

"Nah I'm just kidding," Axel laughed. "That's only partly true."

"Alright, your turn," Aurelia said as she smiled at Corrine.

"I'm Corrine. My kingdom is Aireviel, obviously, and I can cast enchantments.

Bai shifted excitedly in his saddle. "Ooo looks like we've got the dream team ladies and gents."

"Something like that," Corrine grinned as she threw her leg over her horse that had been led out from the stables to her.

"Well, I believe that is everyone," Fairy Godmother concluded. "Are you ready children?"

The royals exchanged a set of nervous yet excited glances.

"I think so," Corrine sighed. She reached down and squeezed Fairy Godmother's hand. "Thank you," she whispered to her mentor.

Corrine smirked back to the others and gave her horse a light kick in the ribs. "And so our adventure begins."

The rest smiled and followed suit by lining their horses up behind Corrine's as they traveled deeper into the forest, closer to the supposed evil that is to destroy the only world they knew.

𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 // 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘤Where stories live. Discover now