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The resolution of conflict can end in different two ways: either one receives their happily ever after, or no such peace will come to an individual

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The resolution of conflict can end in different two ways: either one receives their happily ever after, or no such peace will come to an individual. But endings are hard, especially one that strays away from your stereotypical  'happily ever afters'. Sure, happiness may seem inevitable when the deed is done and the hero can finally return to the life they were told they wouldn't have if they didn't defeat said darkness. But the story stops. You don't see what the heroes go through after they endure countless horrors. You don't see the scars. You see the way they forget everything that happened to them- everything they had to survive.

How could you forget things that were engraved into your mind...into your soul? It changes a person. It doesn't just dissolve into the happily ever after just because the physical pain has dissipated. What about the emotional torture? The memories that crush your mental stability?  It can't be forgotten.

But it can be utilized.

Once you finally discover how to live with the weight of such terrible memories, you find the way to truly live. Using your past experiences can only make you stronger, and that strength is what helps you move on from what has hurt you in your past. It helps you cherish what you have around you. Unfortunately, happiness doesn't immediately come, but in the time it takes for one to heal...it will soon after. That's something a lot of stories leave out...the process of happiness. It's the reality of what trauma does to someone and it needs to be recognized. You can never assume happiness is instantly in store for someone just because whatever they were going through is supposedly gone. That's what fairytales don't teach us, but they did teach us that being alone never solves that.

But when Bai's eyes fluttered open, he felt completely alone.

Through his fuzzy vision, he saw all of the people that meant everything to him scattered across the ground, their complexion pale and blood dripping down from their noses, ears, and eyes. It was happening again. And when he scrambled over to Kai's side and tried to shake him awake, all he could see was the face of Jian.

Once again, he was surrounded by his fallen soldiers, and Bai broke...his fiery spirit was burnt out.

And for the first time in years, he held nothing back, letting sob after sob erupts from his lips as he buried his face into Kai's stilled chest. Bai rocked back and forth, constantly asking why this kept happening to him, but no answer came to him that could pull him out of the emotional pit he had fallen into. He didn't even realize that what they had done should've destroyed the evil for good. It didn't even cross his mind because their win didn't really feel like a win. How could it when they lost everything?

But then something happened...something that made Bai's spirits lift the slightest amount. The darkness that had crept within the roots of the trees and the other life that grew in the forest gradually sunk into the roots and disappeared into the ground, fading from existence to give Bai the reassurance that they had won. With that, life was born again. The grass returned to its vibrant shade of green with small blossoms popping up from the soil. The leaves of the trees shimmered with their endless colors and buds bloomed with pride and beauty.

𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 // 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘤Where stories live. Discover now