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Kai had been waiting for this morning for almost two weeks. The morning where a powerful breeze blew over the ocean, the breeze only sailors dreamt about. No matter how many times Kai had been told not to go in the ocean because of how dangerous it was, it never seemed to stop him. He had already missed too many perfect sailing mornings and he sure as hell wasn't going to miss this one.

It was a chilly and windy morning, causing Kai to shiver when the wind picked up. Once he pushed the small sailboat out into the water, he hopped onto the deck and casted the sails. Kai watched the waves lap on the bottom of his boat. As his eyes fell deeper into the sea, Kai noticed a silhouette that flickered in the water.

He studied it for a moment while doing his best to not fall over the edge of the boat. Kai tilted himself to get a better look at it and tried to make out what kind of fish it could be. What Kai didn't realize, was that a massive wave was now towering over him and his defenseless boat. Kai's eyes widened at the sight of the monstrous wave, but before he had any time to think of a way out, the wave cracked and swallowed him into its blue depths.

Kai desperately crawled his way to a piece of driftwood from his obliterated boat to the surface. He gasped for a breath and sat up in the driftwood. With a racing heart, Kai tried to pull himself together to examen the piece of his sailboat.

Kai's fingers brushed over the splintered edge of the wood. "What the-."

Kai quickly came back to reality when his grandfather, King Triton, surfaced from the water.

"FUCK!" Kai shrieked and fell back into the water.

Triton helped lift Kai back to his board. "Wow, you're quite jumpy."

"Hey hey hey," Kai defended. "It's been a weird morning."

"You saw her didn't you?"

"If you're talking about that like HUMONGOUS wave and that weird shadowy thing then yeah, I did."

Triton pulled a teel stone on a gold chain from the water. "Then you're going to need this."



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𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 // 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘤Where stories live. Discover now