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"Morana! Stop!"

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"Morana! Stop!"

"Please, spare us mercy!"

"We have to stop her! Her wicked spells are too powerful!"

"The world will fall into darkness!"

"I am Morana...fear me...grr."

"Hey, Morana wouldn't say that!"

"Why do I have to be Morana," Misae, the daughter of Nizhoni and Axel, huffed as she crossed her arms.

"Because you're the youngest, duh," Sage, the son of Aurelia and Darron, pointed out.

"Not for much longer!" Misae shot back. "Aunt Aura told me I wouldn't be the youngest soon, your baby brother will be!"

"Yeah, well, a newborn baby can't exactly use a sword right away," Gwendolyn, daughter of Corrine and Eros, remarked.

"Don't worry, Misae, I've already started working on his sword," Elias, Gwendolyn's twin, grinned mischievously.

"No, no," Shang, son of Bai and Mei, interjected. "He will use a bow."

"How do you know?" Misae argued. "Swords and daggers are better, obviously."

Sage stared at them as if it were obvious. "Our father is a bowman."

"Fine, you win this one," Elias muttered.

Shang high fived Sage and snickered while Gwendolyn, Elias, and Misae rolled their eyes.

"Can we get back to the game now?" Gwendolyn asked impatiently.

"Y'know you're really bossy," Elias groaned.

"I am the oldest."

"Only by 47 seconds!"

"I don't care what we do but I'm not playing Morana," Misae mumbled.

"Wow," a voice gasped behind them. "I'm offended."

The five children whipped around to see the queen of Cetaria standing before them in her elegant white dress and silver crown.

"Morana!" The children cried with joy as they jumped to their feet to give her a hug.

"You-You know I wasn't trying to be uh- mean or anything, I just-" Misae stammered, feeling embarrassed.

Morana chuckled lightly. "It's okay, my dear. To be frank, I wouldn't want to be me either. I wasn't very nice, now was I?" She teased as she stroked Misae's curly black hair.

"But it's okay because now you're not evil anymore and you're like- the best queen ever."

"I appreciate that," Morana smiled. "Have you seen the others? Your parents would kill me if I lost any of you, but I will say, there are quite a lot of you to keep track of."

𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 // 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘤Where stories live. Discover now