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Nizhoni couldn't see a thing. Everything around her had almost disappeared into thin air. All that was left was the grey and black hue of the clouds around her. She went to reach for the knife in her belt, only to realize that she had lost it when battling the sea serpent in the Black Sea. Now, only her powers could protect her from whatever was sent out to kill her.

Out from the shadows, the shape of a man appeared. Nizhoni squinted to try to make out who it was but it didn't take long for her to realize that it was Kai.

"Kai!" She called out happily, relief sinking into her tense muscles.

But Kai didn't respond. He only continued to stare ahead into the fog. Her brows knitted together but she continued on. Once she was an arms length away, she reached out to grab his shoulder. Kai jumped at her touch but even then, the boy didn't budge. Nizhoni came up from behind and stood next to him, her eyes locked on his emotionless face.


Her eyes centered in on his, and in the blink of an eye, his piercing blue eyes faded to a grey. She took a cautious step back.

"Kai, whatever it is, you are stronger. You can beat h-"

But Nizhoni didn't have a chance to finish her sentence when she felt the back of Kai's hand collide with her jaw. She stumbled back in shock, clutching her jaw as the pain throbbed throughout the side of her face. Kai almost towered over her, his lip twitching upward in anger.

"You can't beat her," he growled. "We will just be killed if we don't give in. I'm not really seeing much of an option here."

Nizhoni regained her footing and flicked her wrist to the side, sending Kai flying away from her and crashing into the sand. The possessed boy rose to his knees and gave her a wicked smirk. He leaned over and slammed his fists onto the ground to create a three foot wide crack in the earth. Nizhoni watched helplessly as it came barreling towards her. She tried to leap from where she stood, but the crack only widened, letting her fall down an unknown distance into the chasm. Nizhoni kept her eyes on the crevice of light that grew smaller and smaller as she fell deeper. But before Nizhoni knew it, she felt her back smash into the ground.

She felt numb. The air had escaped from her lungs and it felt as if every bone in her body had snapped into a billion pieces. The pain was enough to forget about her arm that had previously been slashed open. That fall should've killed her, but it didn't. She wasn't sure if she was lucky or not.

Nonetheless, she couldn't move. Breathing felt like a chore as her inhales wheezed in and out of her lungs. But she had to get up. If she didn't, she would surely die. Nizhoni bit the inside of her cheek hard enough to draw blood while she slowly rolled onto her side to place her palms down on the ground and push herself upright. She let out a pained groaned, deciding she at least broke a few ribs and maybe dislocated her shoulder. But despite all the agonizing pain, the girl stood, gripping her shoulder hard to keep it in place. She didn't utter a word but her eyes said it all. She didn't want to fight her friend but she wouldn't let him kill her either.

𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 // 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘤Where stories live. Discover now