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The streets of Therondia were lively, almost as if a celebration had already been in the making before they even arrived

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The streets of Therondia were lively, almost as if a celebration had already been in the making before they even arrived. Musicians busied the streets, banging drums, playing flutes and lutes, all swarming the castle and royals that stood before the citizens. They didn't know what to think, it was all too much. Were they truly heroes?

Edaneus opened his arms out before the crowd in gratitude. "May we no longer live in fear and destruction! We, my people, have been saved!"

Another collection of cheers boomed into the air.

Edaneus turned to admire the shocked expressions of the eight royals, eyes wide and jaws hanging down in awe. "Let our kingdom belong to you. Honor us by letting us honor you as warriors."

"I could get used to this!" Bai grinned as he waved excitedly at the crowd.

Kai's hand fell on Bai's shoulder. "Maybe we'll find some fair maidens!" he said eagerly.

Bai smirked confidently. "I guess I could leave a few for you."

Kai gave him a punch. "Yeah right, Bee."

Andrea gave Kai a backhand to the arm and shushed the two of them.

"Somebody's in trouble," Bai muttered quietly. Kai shot him a glare.

"How glorious it is to finally meet you all!" A sweet voice exclaimed.

The eight royals turned around, curious as to who was now speaking to them. A fair skinned girl with light brown hair placed neatly into curls carefully trotted down the stairs. She wore a pale yellow dress with lace flowers covering the sleeves and torso.

Edaneus smiled proudly and raised a hand to present the young girl. "I present to you, princess Aramina Dechant of Therondia!" He bowed slightly, causing everyone else to bow as well.

Bai tapped Kai's arm with his elbow. "Dibs," he sang.

Aramina hurried down the stairs to greet her guests. "To whom do I thank for traveling across our world to save us all?"

Corrine stepped forward and was about to introduce herself if it weren't for Bai, who hip checked her out of the way.

"Bai Hua, prince of China," he said in a flirtatious manner, gracefully holding his hand out to accept Aramina's. He placed a soft kiss to the back of her hand. "Charmed."

Corrine stomped her heel down onto his foot. Bai let out a slight whine of pain and glared at her. She stepped forward with an apologetic smile. "Forgive him. My name is Corrine Charming," Corrine turned to introduce the rest of her traveling companions. "This is Eros Panhellios, Aurelia Fitzherbert, Nizhoni Matoaka, Axel Ababwa, Andrea Fergus, Kai Atlasean, and you met Bai, of course."

"What a pleasure it is! You and your kingdoms have fought ever so bravely against the mistress and her wicked monsters and spells." She smiled at the crowd. "Our kingdom will forever be gracious for what you have done for our world. Let us serve you before you return to your quest."

𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 // 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘤Where stories live. Discover now