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This was it

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This was it.

The purpose of their journey.

To find her and defeat her.

But such an easy thing to say all of a sudden felt like the impossible thing to do. Everything that they had battled up until now, everything that almost claimed each of their lives, seemed like nothing more than a minor delay compared to her to what only her presence made each of them feel. How are they supposed to defeat something that is so wicked?

"Well done, royals," Morana chuckled sarcastically, clapping her hand slowly. As her feet glided across the sand, the grains almost instantly turned the color of ink, leaving a trail of black each step she took, the torn ends of her dress dragging behind. "You've journeyed far and wide, bested everything little thing I threw at you. I really must applaud though, it was rather entertaining watching you so-called magic users play around like a bunch of children with your amateur skills. It's quite a drag on this mass of land so really, you have my gratitude for making these long hours a little less horrible."

The nine teens surrounded her in a semi-circle, their gaze piercing the woman's figure that sauntered gracefully around them, their knuckles white while they gripped whatever weapon they wielded as they followed her every move. Without uttering a word, their minds were already in sync...there was no other thought to be thought. The mistress now stood before them and they had promised to defeat her, even if that meant they went down with her. At that moment, they couldn't have cared less as to what would happen to them...as long as she fell to the evil earth she had created, the war would be won and not only the kingdoms would be saved, but their world.

A menacing grin curled over her cheeks. "But, of course, we have daddy and mommy dearest to thank for sticking me out here." Her brows furrowed and she tapped her cheek with her finger. "How long has it been? 25 years? You can't even imagine the amount of planning I've done to figure out how I am to get revenge on the eight kingdoms that caused my downfall."

"You take one step into DunBroch and my arrow cracks your skull open," Andrea growled lowly. Her hand tugged back on her bowstring until it couldn't stretch any further."

Morana slowly approached Andrea. "I might just have to keep you alive, I like your fire."

Kai clenched his fists until his nails dug into his palms enough to draw blood. "Step. Back."

"Relax, Sunshine, I could use you too. I've got to get to Grandpa somehow," she spat back.

"So, that's your plan?" Eros scowled. "Storm our kingdoms just to kill everyone we love? Families? Children? And all for what? Power?"

Morana's eye's shifted to the boy. She walked closer to him, eyeing him up and down. "Ah, the mortal that longs for his place amongst the Gods," she smirked. "Just like your father except you have no chance, darling. How pitiful that is." Eros stiffened as her fingertips glided across his upper back. "But even you can be utilized despite your mortal soul."

𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 // 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘤Where stories live. Discover now