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"I can only talk to white lighters? But how do I know if someone is a lighter or not, guess I'll talk to everyone." I ramble on.
"Excuse me sir are you okay I heard you talking to yourself is there anything I can do to help?" A woman says from around the corner.
"You can hear me?" I ask turning around.
"Well yeah why wouldn't I?" She laughs.
"Maybe because I'm dead." I sigh.
"Y-your dead?" She stutters before coming closer.
"Yeah I'm dead but ignore that, can you please help me?" I ask before she tries to touch my cheek.
"Yeah I guess I could." She answers after her hand goes thru me.
"Can you bring me to my boyfriend's house?" I ask as I start to walk.
She nods and we start walking she starts talking about how shes 21 and her life with seeing ghosts telling me how shes helped alot go to heaven and how she lost her dad to suicide too and that's when I started crying and fell to the ground.
"Did I say something wrong?" She asked bending down to me.
"I-I I killed myself." I continue to cry.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset," she says trying to comfort me.
We go back to walking and she starts talking about random things and I start talking about what my life was and why i did what i did and she said nothing while I was talking I think it was outta respect and I appreciate that but when I stopped she asked about who my boyfriend was and surprisingly she knew seth they apparently went to school together. Let's skip forward abit.
"We're here finally." I state. It took 1 whole day cus she got tired but were here now and all we gotta do is get inside. She knocks on the door and my baby seth comes out I immediately start crying when I see his red puffy green eyes.
"Hello kara didn't expect to see you sorry for my appearance." Seth greeted her.
"Hi seth I'm here to talk about liam." Kara said with no emotion.
"What about him kara?" Seth asked starting to tear up.
He motioned for her to come inside our apartment I tried to walk in but felt a burning pain as I started to enter this pain made me fall to the ground kara looked back at what was a ghost protection necklace and she pulled it down without seth noticing then I got up and walked in without a problem.
"Kara you said you needed to talk about liam but you've never met him what exactly is it that you need to tell me?" He asked a bit rudely.
"He's here." She replied.
"This isnt a time for jokes kara, he-he he died yesterday." Seth stated before crying. I walk over and try to hug him and fail forgetting that I cannot physically touch him.
"Tell him that I'm 19 and I suffer from severe anxiety and depression." I tell kara.
"Liam said that hes 19 and suffers from severe anxiety and depression." Kara told him.
"What my moms middle name only liam knows this?" He questioned not believing her.
"Miriam that her middle name." I say softly.
"He said Miriam seth." She replies.
"Can he hear me?" He asked hesitantly.
"Yes he can." Kara states.
"You fucking idiot why did you do that yo uh promised me you'd stay you broke that damn promise liam!" He yells
"I fucked up I'm sorry I wish I was smart enough not to have done it but I was hurting I was so selfish and I'm sorry." I cry.(Kara repeats everything I'm to lazy to retype it lol)
"Yeah you are selfish liam but it doesn't matter now your fucking dead and I cant get you back no matter how much I try." He sobs.
"I-I I'm sorry okay I didn't mean for you to hurt this bad." I respond.
"I forgive you but why didn't you ask me for help I would've helped you." He questioned.
"I was scared you'd think I'm weak." I replied.
"Baby I could never think of you as weak." He sighed.
" I wish I knew that sooner." I mumble but kara still repeats it.
"I'm sorry I failed you but is there something I can do now that'll make it up?" He asked.
"First off you never fucking failed me second I need a proper burial in order to go to heaven." I reply.
"Let's go to the morgue then." He sighed. We get up and leave.


Hey it not long but not short either leave any thoughts or comments on anything that needs improvement also there wont be that many chapters to this since it wasn't long to begin with. I'll probably make it longer and when it ends if yall want I'll make a second book.❤

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