Chapter 6 - Get away

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The group was practicing really hard for their up-coming performance which was to take place just a few weeks later. 

Dancing was the most difficult part for Yoongi and even if he was a good dancer, he felt he was in need of some extra practice sessions. 

J-Hope was the best dancer of the group and their choreographer, so Yoongi thought it a good idea to ask him to help out.

"Hobi, would you mind staying on in the studio with me after practice tomorrow? Just an extra hour or something." Yoongi asked.

"Sure, why do you want me to stay?" J-Hope said winking at Yoongi.

"For dancing, of course." Yoongi said and laughed. 

"That's disappointing. I thought you wanted to hang out with me. I hoped you'd bring some sprite and we'd have a cosy evening together."

J-Hope smiled his sweetest smile at Yoongi. 

"Hobi, I wouldn't choose the dance studio for a cosy evening together." Yoongi said smiling back. 

"I guess not." 

"I'd have asked Jimin, but he must get home to study for his maths test."

"Seriously, Yoongi, I'm happy to practice extra with you if you feel you need it." J-Hope said, looking away when Yoongi mentioned Jimin.

Jimin heard them, and was somewhat upset and worried by the flirty manner in which they talked to each other. 

What's going on between the two of you? My Yoongi, I love you, don't fall for someone else, kitten. I need you to be mine. Please, don't leave me. 

He had a feeling it would be difficult to focus on studying maths, while he knew Yoongi was alone in the dance studio with J-Hope. 

"Nice you haven't had to babysit Taetae this week." Yoongi said to Jimin on Friday evening. 

They were at the apartment, in Jimin's room, just cuddling on the sofa. 

"I tried to, but he didn't want me there." Jimin said. "And now he's gone back to his parents again for the weekend. I wonder what's going on. Something is up with Tae, but I don't know what it is, Yoongi. I'm worried about him."

Yoongi wasn't that interested in what was going on with Tae. He was interested in Jimin and he had decided they needed to get away to spend some more time together. 

"Whatever. I have plans for us. How about you forget about Tae for a couple of days and we go on a weekend-date to the summer house of my parents? It's not too far away and they are not there. I have booked a car and bought us a lot of snacks and food to bring."

"Oh, Yoongi, that sounds terrific! I really want to get away from here. You are the best!" Jimin said.

Yeah, and I want to get away, too, so you can focus on me for a couple of days, Yoongi thought to himself. 

"I was thinking that we could go fishing, and then we could go visit that historical castle which is close by." Yoongi said. 

"Anything you like, Yoongi, I am happy just to be with you away from here." Jimin said.

And away from Hobi, Jimin thought to himself.

Jimin really liked to go on excursions with Yoongi. Fishing might not be his favourite pastime, but he loved to do it with Yoongi. 

Yoongi looked so immensely cute on a boat, focusing on his fishing gear and being generally happy out at sea, it made Jimin happy too.

"How was your weekend at home this time?" Jimin asked Tae on Monday at lunch in school. 

"Eh ... just fine ... just fine, Jimin, nothing special." Tae answered evasively looking a bit uncomfortable. 

"Parents still trying to cure your homosexuality?" Jimin said half serious, half joking.

"Well, you know, it's not easy for them. By the way, how was your weekend? Heard you went away with Yoongi? How are things between the two of you anyway?"

"Fine, I think. Anyway, the weekend was really good." 

"You think it is fine?" Tae asked. 

"Uhm, yeah. Sometimes everything is just lovely and then suddenly I start worrying that he's about to break up with me. Remember when he said that 'our relationship is not as serious as yours' when you broke up with JK?" 

"Yes, I seem to remember something like that."

"Well, that's what started it. It sort of made me a bit ... confused. I've been wondering what he really thinks about our relationship. And then he's been hanging out a lot with ... others."  

"Meaning Hobi?"

"Mm. You've noticed that, have you?"

"Uhu, that week when you took care of me, he was away with Hobi every evening." Tae said. 

"And now, for example, he went for lunch with Hobi to talk about that song they are recording." Jimin said.

"Why don't you just ask him?"

"I did, sort of. He said they are quite intimate. 'Like you and Tae' were the words he used. After that I felt a bit hesitant to ask more. You and I, Tae, we are a bit more intimate than I would like him to be with Hobi. But I can't really say that, can I? It wouldn't be fair."

"I see what you mean. I wouldn't like JK to be like that with anyone either."

Tae talked as if JK was still his boyfriend, because in his mind JK was still his. He'd always be jealous of anyone touching JK, even though he himself broke up their relationship. 

"Yoongi doesn't complain. He knows you and I are just friends. Anyway, the weekend was really relaxing and nice." Jimin said. "Yoongi took such good care of me and was very loving. But I still wonder if something's up." 

"Maybe it's just your imagination. I mean he might not have meant anything when he said that about not being as serious as me and JK."

"Yeah, maybe." 

But Jimin was still uncertain and concerned. 

I'm just fine // Yoonmin ✅Where stories live. Discover now