Chapter 18 - Dance practice

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The dance studio was full of people. 

The joint practice session was for six of the school groups and also the cute boy's group was there. 

When Jimin entered the studio he immediately saw Yoongi over by the wall on the other side, laughing and talking intimately to J-Hope who held his hand on Yoongi's shoulder. Then Jimin saw the cute boy and his friends standing nearby. 

He went over to the cute boy, not wanting to approach Yoongi when he was so intimate with J-Hope. 

"Hi." he said to the cute boy and his friends. 

"Hi Jimin." the cute boy said winking. "Nice to see you. By the way, JK sent me a text. They will be back in the evening, his father will take them into town."

"Okay, that's good then. I'm glad I don't have to drive out there again to pick them up." Jimin said thinking that he wouldn't have been fit to drive that far today anyway.

Yoongi noticed Jimin on the other side of the room, just when the head dance teacher came in to the studio and everyone fell quiet. 

Why the fuck didn't Jimin come over here? Why did he go talk to that boy instead, that fucking boy he spent the night with? What's going on between them? 

He wanted to cross the floor and drag Jimin away from the other boy, to bring him over to his own side of the room, where Jimin belonged. 

But he couldn't do that now when the teacher started to give instructions already.

They moved into position, standing in lines, strictly following the teachers instructions, facing the mirrored wall in front. 

Jimin was close to the cute boy, quite far from Yoongi and out of his range of vision.

It turned out to be a really tough practice session. They all needed to get into the best shape for the performance and the teacher was pushing them hard now. 

Jimin was fit and muscular, but weak from lack of food and nutrients. He needed to employ his full focus to get the moves right and follow the orders from the teacher.

To begin with Jimin managed quite well, using all his will-power, routine and muscular strength to keep his body moving, but after some twenty minutes his vision started to blur. 

He couldn't see the teacher clearly anymore. He tried to focus on the person closest to him instead, to see what moves he was supposed to do, but soon also that became difficult. 

He felt exhaustion overtaking him. His head started spinning and suddenly all went black. 

His legs couldn't carry him anymore and he fell, hitting his head on the floor.


It was the cute boy who first noticed what happened. 

He ran to Jimin and knelt down beside him. He carefully stroked Jimin's forehead and cheek. When he received no reaction he hit Jimin lightly to try to wake him up.

"Get a glass of water, someone!" he yelled. 

He carefully tried to lift Jimin's upper body so it would lean on him, but he was brutally interrupted. 

Someone had taken hold of his shirt and was dragging him away from Jimin. 

"YOU GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!" Yoongi shouted lifting the cute boy to his feet, pushing him away. 

I'm just fine // Yoonmin ✅Where stories live. Discover now