Chapter 10 - More distress

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J-Hope had noticed that Yoongi was a bit distressed already when he came to the studio, and he seemed even more so after having talked to Jimin on the phone. 

"What's wrong, Yoonks?" he asked touching Yoongi's shoulder. 

"Ah, nothing, Hobi, don't worry. It's just Jimin again. He is keeping secrets with that cute boy who is the friend of JK's. The one I mentioned before, remember?" 

"I remember. That's probably just something to do with JK, isn't it? Nothing that affects the two of you, I would think." J-Hope said. 

"Yeah, probably. But how am I supposed to know when he doesn't tell me? It makes me suspicious. And jealous, I guess."

"Just let it go. You can't do anything about it anyway, if he wants to keep secrets. Just forget it. Come here, sit next to me, I'll show you the ideas I have for this new song." J-Hope said trying to get Yoongi's focus away from Jimin.

Yoongi sat down and J-Hope put his arm around his shoulders in a friendly manner. 

Yoongi leaned in a bit towards him. 

"Okay Hobi, show me what you're planning. I'll forget about Jimin until later." Yoongi said.


The atmosphere between Jimin and Yoongi was a bit tense the following days. 

Jimin felt a bit abandoned when Yoongi stayed a lot in the studio with J-Hope in the evenings again. 

Yoongi on the other hand felt left out knowing Jimin kept secrets with that cute boy and seeing Jimin texting with him. 

They both tried not to show it, but it still affected the atmosphere between them and they seemed to act a bit too formal to each other, like they tried too much to be just as usual.

On Saturday morning Jimin went to the gym while Yoongi was still asleep. 

Yoongi was almost impossible to wake up on weekends and would never have accompanied Jimin to the gym that early in the morning anyway. 

At the gym, Jimin met one of the girls who had told him about JKs night out the weekend before. She approached him. 

"Hi Jimin, had a good week?"

"Yeah, it's been fine, and you?"

"Just fine."

She paused then continued.

"Jimin, I was at the bar yesterday evening. Know what happened?" 

"Oh no, not JK again?!" Jimin asked.

"Well, yes. But not a boy this time. A girl." 

"A girl? What did he do with her?"

"Same as last week. Kissed, made out, followed her home. Ah, why didn't he choose me?" she complained.

"I think you shouldn't complain too much about that. He is not in his right mind, that bunny." Jimin said. 

"But he is seriously so hot." she said dreamily.

Jimin thanked her for the info and started to work out. 

After some time he began to feel a bit dizzy. 

He had skipped breakfast that morning. And dinner the previous evening. Actually he had skipped dinner every night that week when Yoongi had been at the studio with J-Hope and so couldn't check that Jimin was eating properly. 

When Yoongi had asked, Jimin had lied and said he had eaten. 

Jimin told himself that Yoongi would like him better if he lost some more weight and also, not eating made him feel he was more in control of his life.

He was so distressed about a lot of things right now. 

His and Yoongi's relationship and where it was going. 

Tae and that girl he might be about to marry. 

JK and his drinking habits. 

The upcoming performance where he really wanted to make an impression. 

Despite the dizziness he worked out for an hour, just having a few sips of water. 

Afterwards he admired his thin muscular body in the mirror, had a shower and decided to go find Tae to talk to him about JK's recent night out and maybe if it felt right, to ask him about that rumour of marriage to an unknown girl.  


*I'll have something to tell you on Monday.* Jimin texted to the cute boy.
*Great, I have some info for you as well.* he texted back.


As it turned out, the cute boy and his sources had been right. 

Tae had been pressured by his parents to marry a girl and finally he had decided to accept. This was in itself so absurd that Jimin didn't really know how to handle it. 

On top of that, Tae hadn't told the girl in question that he was gay, which was totally unacceptable of course. Also, JK didn't know anything about it yet.

Tae had reacted badly to the information about JK and the girl from the bar, even though Tae himself had told JK to get a girlfriend when he broke up with him. 

Jimin feared Tae might confront JK in quite an aggressive manner about this girl. 

Also Jimin was sure JK would be devastated if he found out Tae was getting married. 

JK might be out drinking, partying and making out with others, but Jimin was sure JK still hoped to get Tae back. If Tae was marrying someone else, JK's hopes would be crushed. Who knew what stupid things he could do then. 

JK seemed in a very destructive mood lately.

To talk to Yoongi about these concerns was difficult, since he had promised the cute boy not to say anything about Tae and the marriage yet. 

So Jimin kept it all inside and tried to handle it himself, which continued to affect his eating habits.

"Did you have breakfast at all?" Yoongi asked around midday when he had finally woken up and Jimin joined him in the kitchen after having talked to Tae. 

Yoongi thought Jimin looked a bit pale and tired.

"Yeah." Jimin lied. "I had breakfast and went to work out at the gym."

"Oh my god you are such an early riser, Jimin, I get tired just thinking about going to the gym that early." Yoongi said yawning.

"It was refreshing and I want to be fit, for you and for our performance." Jimin said. 

"You are perfect anyway, Jimin." Yoongi said caressing Jimins neck and hair.

Oh, how I like it when he touches me. His hands are so soft. 


I'm just fine // Yoonmin ✅Where stories live. Discover now