Chapter 8 - Weekend

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The following weekend Jin and Namjoon invited Jimin and Yoongi to join them for a music festival in the next city, just half an hour away by train. 

They had a great time there, not caring too much about what was going on at home. Jimin was glad to leave his worries behind for a while. 

All the things going on with Tae and JK, Yoongi and J-Hope, and the performance coming up, was too much for him. 

He needed a rest. He needed to be with Yoongi somewhere relaxed and fun. 

And he couldn't deny he was happy J-Hope hadn't joined them.

Yoongi enjoyed seeing Jimin happy. 

He realised he hadn't managed to make Jimin happy a lot lately and he felt bad about it. 

He had noticed that Jimin seemed worried, but didn't know what to do about it. They hadn't had a lot of time to themselves this past week. 

So he felt this was a perfect chance to have fun together.

My Jimin is honestly the prettiest boy in this world when he's this happy. I love him so much, I hope he knows.

"Imagine if we could ever get to perform on a stage like that!" Namjoon said looking admiringly at one of the popular bands performing in front of a huge crowd. 

"Yeah, it would be so cool." Jin said. "I'd love to have fans like that, screaming my name and knowing the lyrics of my songs!"

"Jimin would look amazing on stage, he'd surely be the favourite of the fans." Yoongi said putting his arms around Jimin from the back. "But me, I would just feel misplaced and awkward I'm afraid."

"You would be so cool!" Jimin said turning around and looking lovingly at Yoongi. "I would be your biggest fan!"

"Then the other fans would have to be really small, if you were the biggest!" Jin said laughing hysterically at his own joke. 

"Jin. Behave. You are not supposed to make those kinds of jokes." Namjoon told him off.

But Jimin just laughed at Jin and wasn't hurt. 

He was the shortest in the group and the others made jokes about it all the time, not meaning anything bad about it. 

Jimin knew he looked good, with his cute smile, sixpack abs and nice ass. Particularly nowadays when he had lost some weight, he thought. 

Jimin smiled and flexed his muscles. Yoongi responded by stroking Jimin's biceps, chest and abs, giving him a flirty look.

"Hell, Yoongi, I do like it when you touch me like this in public ..." said Jimin in a low voice so only Yoongi could hear. 


On their way home from the music festival on the Sunday afternoon, they met some friends from school at the railway station. 

Two girls who studied maths with Jimin came up to him, wanting a word in private.

"Jimin, we were at the bar yesterday and we wanted to tell you that one of your friends behaved quite stupidly." one of them said. 

"What? Who?" Jimin asked, thinking if Tae had done something stupid while Jimin was away not keeping an eye on him. 

"It was Jungkook. JK as you call him. He was very drunk."  

"Oh, no, what did that little bunny do?" Jimin asked.

"Haha, bunny, yeah he looks a bit like a bunny, actually." one of the girls laughed. 

"Anyway, he kissed a boy at the bar, they made out in front of everyone." the other one said. "And JK followed him home. You know the new headmaster might get to hear about things like that and he doesn't approve of gay dating!"

"We think you should maybe talk to JK. We like him, you know. We don't want him expelled, he is a very handsome bunny." the first girl giggled. 

"Oh, fuck." Jimin said. "Thanks for telling me." 

But he was not thinking about talking to JK, he was worried about Tae and how he would react hearing something like this.

"What was that about?" Jin asked.

"It seems our little bunny has been flirting around drunk at the bar yesterday night." Jimin said. "JK kissed a boy, they made out in front of everyone and JK followed him home." 

"Hell, that's not smart. Not smart at all." Jin said. 

"I guess it's his way of handling his misery." Yoongi said. "If I was him I would also like to get drunk and not give a fuck about sadness, proper behaviour or what people thought for a few hours. It was stupid as hell, of course, but what to expect? He hasn't a lot of experience from break-ups, has he?"

"That's true. Tae was his first real boyfriend, I think." Jin said. "And the love of his life." 

"I don't look forward to telling this to Tae." Jimin said. 

But I'll have to.

And so he did. 

When they came home Jimin skipped dinner and went straight to Tae's room to tell him what he had heard. 

Tae was very upset. Jimin couldn't judge if it was mainly jealousy or mainly anger at JK's reckless behaviour.

"That fucking bunny is killing me." Tae said. "Oh, hell, how I wish I didn't care so much about him."

"Should I ask Jin to talk to JK, do you think?" Jimin asked. "Maybe he'll talk to him anyway, I don't know." 

"I'll talk to JK myself tomorrow." Tae said. "Even if he probably won't listen to me."

"Okey, good luck. I don't envy you. How was your weekend by the way? Did you do anything?"

"No, I was in my room, feeding my misery by looking at pictures of JK and me from when we were together." Tae said. "So I was here crying, while JK spent the night with some other guy, obviously."

"That's so sad, Tae. I feel for you, mate." Jimin said stroking Tae's hair and neck softly.  

"Ah, thanks Jimin, you're sweet." Tae said taking Jimin's hand. 

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