Part 2: New Sensation

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I found myself staring at him again. His forest green hair drew my attention so easily, hypnotizing me in its countless tangles and curls. As he turned to look at the teacher, he found my eyes glued to him still. With a flustered expression, I faced Aizawa-Sensei, soon setting my face back to its regular, complacent state. This was the third time that day I had to catch myself and correct my line of vision back to the front of the room, putting my focus back onto the lesson. His intent, focused eyes and always slightly parted lips grasped my attention too easily. I wondered what went on behind them, in that courageous mind of his.

Shit. I missed a full page of notes.

I readjusted myself in my seat and directed my attention to the teacher once again, this time managing to keep myself there until the end of class. It was infuriating being distracted by Midoriya, who didn't seem to acknowledge my presence as much as I was acknowledging his. I felt it was clear I wanted his attention, although l was far from asking for it outright. After last night's studying session I thought I'd made it clear.

I tend to be a blunt person, whether it is with my peers or my family, so these feelings that were taking me off that straight forward path of think it, say it were turning my world upside down. I had to overcome it. Anybody who could strip me of my mental protection of my nonchalantness was special; they must be. He was special; I knew it now. I'm sure he knew it too, or at least, I hoped. That would make this a lot easier, but at times, he was surely more oblivious than me, especially when it came to topics of this sort.

The bell to dismiss us came, and I rose from my desk with swift feet, heading to the door without hesitation. I decided I would decipher how to deal with my newfound crush another day. Or, at the very least, another hour. I headed through the door to exit, and before I could run off to the dorms to cower in my room for an hour or two in deep contemplation, I felt a hand grasp my wrist. I turned and my vision fell upon my very object of concern, or, more accurately, my very person.

"Hey, Todoroki! Do you have a-" he stuttered as I walked, pulling him along with me and dragging him off his feet. I hadn't realized he'd grappled onto my figure until halfway through his statement, otherwise, I would have stopped. Fortunately, though, he only stumbled forward, hitting his head on my back. It hurt only a moment, and the pain seemed to turn to a buzz of nerves after. His touch was electrifying at times. "D-do you have a minute?" He asked in a daze.

"Yeah... Are you okay?" I queried worriedly.

"Y-yes, I'm fine. Promise!" he smiled nervously, his shoulders held high as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Is here fine, or would you rather talk at the dorms?" I asked, in hopes he'd prefer a more private setting.

"Um, dorms," Midoriya replied, his words forming more of a question than a statement. He looked down to the space between us, and his face heated up. I looked down too, and and saw our hands intertwined. I blushed too, my ears and cheeks becoming a dull, yet violent, pink.

We let go of each other's hand.

We spoke to each other on our way back to the dorms, taking up superficial topics and laughing when an appropriate opportunity arose. His laugh seemed to bubble up awkwardly, but when he really laughed, it was as if he were on the mountains peak, listening to nothing but the two of us. It were as if the clouds parted to let the glorious sun shine through. It were as if he was a flower bursting triumphantly from the damp, freshly rained-upon ground. It were as if God had revealed himself in the laugh that came from the boy I walked with. But then again, as I'd finally figured out earlier, my perception of him was shrouded by my feelings. That would, I thought to myself, eventually be my downfall.

After what was about a four minutes, but felt like only a few short moments, we'd arrived at my dorm room. I wasn't sure why we were here instead of his own, since he was the one who asked to speak, but I didn't mind. His bright smile and green hair was complemented by my Japanese style room. I'd liked to have thought so; it would make for a great pick up line.

As soon as I'd followed him in and shut the door, he dragged me to the bed and pushed me onto it, and slammed our lips together, forcing an intense embrace of our tongues.

It was much more than I expected, but I wasn't displeased in the slightest.

I held him gently at his waist, and pulled him to me. My heartbeat sped up, but I welcomed it. I was falling in love with the feeling, as much as I was in love with him. It was exhilarating.

I flipped our positions, pushing him to topple on his back, nearer to the head of the bed, and climbed on top of him predatorily. I tore off my school uniform's jacket, and he did the same. I set my arms at each sides of his head, my knees positioned at each of his sides, so as to trap him beneath me. I let my lips travel down his chest as I unbuttoned his shirt, and moaned ever so lightly into his body as I bit and licked his soft skin. Each touch made my head feel as if it were floating and my package grew in response. Midoriya gripped my hair, ran his hands through it and twirled it between his fingers, creating a heavy, yet gratifying and never satisfied feeling to settle itself in my stomach. I went back up to his nipples, to bite and play and lick them. I teased him endlessly, enjoying his sheepish moans.

He interrupted our erotic experience, prompting me to lean off him. I repositioned myself at his side, but soon enough, he set himself on his knees in front of me, and began unbuttoning my pants. I felt the pressure against my pants grow, and I became nervous for his next move. I turned and checked for tissues, then looked at Midoriya.

"Stop. Please." He stopped and looked at me, clearly eager to get along with the deed. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He nodded fervently, and I let him continue. He seemed way too happy to for the fact he was giving rather than receiving.

After removing the layers between himself and my member, he spit into his hand, then began to massage my member. He moved his hand up and down around it in a closed fist, making my senses soar with pleasure. I moaned lightly, holding back what I could. Midoriya could tell that I was, and honestly, I understood. My reactions to his movements were making my pleasure blatantly obvious.

"Don't hold back." He said in a low, steady voice, unusual compared to what I heard from him just a few minutes ago on our commute from school. The words came right before he took my tip in his mouth. He bobbed his head there, slathering my member in his saliva. He came up for air, panting, and took his head up from the base of my dick to the tip, licking up in a slow streak. I shivered at the speed; He was teasing me carefully, and he knew it. He loved watching me like that, and I wanted to see him in a similar position. In that moment, I swore I would make him feel better than anyone could.

At that point, he began taking in my entire dick, then came back up swiftly. He repeated that motion over and over, taking over my senses with something so overwhelming, so genuinely pleasurable, I couldn't breath any more than short, staggered gasps that transformed into groans.

"I'm going to cum." I announced, pulling at his hair to come off me in case he hadn't heard, but he kept his head there. I released in his mouth, and he swallowed. I swallowed the lump in my own throat nervously, wondering why he did that. I had tissue. Why would he force himself to take my seed?

"I wanted it." He said it mid pant, then flipped himself over to fall beside me on the bed. I panted with him, staring at his hand greedily. He gave me everything just now, and still, I wanted more of him, though it was only simple notions. I put away the thought, deciding that was for another setting. This was intimacy, all right, but without the romantic glaze I desperately wanted to accompany it.

Midoriya grabbed my hand in a sudden spur, and my heart leapt at the touch.

"Thanks," he said in exasperation. He smiled at me; my heart melted.

"You shouldn't be the one thanking me." He knew that. Why did he thank me?

"I wanted that, though," he laughed in a delighted, but low tone, "thank you." My heart was about to burst. He meant more to me than this lustful deed. I had to let it be known, but for the time being, I lied next him, content with all that I had of him.

"You're welcome, then." The words barely escaped my lips. I was glad there was something between us, though not quite what I expected. I'd win his heart, too, eventually.

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