Part 5: Monday Madness

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"Uraraka, I'm not saying anything. Nothing happened." I insisted for what felt like the millionth time that day. She knew I went home with Todoroki, along with most of my class, but only her and a few others were aware of it. She had been poking and prodding me the whole lunch period long about it, and thanks to Todoroki's mysterious absence from our lunch table that day, she didn't have to hold anything back.

"Lies," she sang, clearly unconvinced. "You went home with him after you had planned to go back to your house. Just tell me what went down, already. Tell. Me. Everything."

"Uraraka." I hissed her name loudly, "there's nothing to tell." I paused for a fraction of a second, barely noticeable because of the already slow pace of my words, "there's nothing to tell about Saturday night. I promise."

She jumped at the opportunity to find out about other nights, immediately pointing out my pause. "You had to stop and make sure you were only talking about Saturday so that you weren't lying, because you hate lying. You are so holding back right now."

"That's true, I can't lie about that. But I really don't want to talk about this, at least not right now." I saw Kirishima and Bakugou round a corner near our table on their way to sit down, and I waved innocently at them. Kirishima flashed a smile in our direction, his chest rising and falling in a happy bounce as he chuckled. Uraraka swooned, placing her head up in her hands with both elbows firmly stuck on the tables edge. "What about that? Are we not gonna talk about that?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." She turned away from me with pink dusted across her plump cheeks, her arms crossed rigidly. Her laughs were stifled beneath her sudden tough persona. "Besides, I've caught Bakugou grabbing Kirishima's butt in the common area when no one else was looking. I know that ass isn't mine."

"Yeah, I think we all know that at this point." I laughed nervously when I finished my sentence, hoping Bakugou hadn't heard me. While Bakugou and Kirishima never explained their relationship status to everyone, after awhile of gay jokes between the two, and the eventual development of suspiciously gay inside jokes and time spent together outside of school, our class came to the conclusion they were most definitely together. But, of course, our lives together in the dorms largely remained the same. I frowned at the generalization, finding a dismal note in the thought. Abruptly, my thoughts were cut off as a tall, attractive, and heterochromatic figure made its way toward my table.

My heart panicked when I saw Todoroki sit down across from us. I knew he wasn't upset, nor was he hurt because of me, but for some reason the panic persisted. It felt like panic at the time, but I had a feeling it wasn't quite panic.

When I fight a villian, sometimes I feel panicked. When I had that run-in with Shigaraki at the mall, I felt panic. But this just wasn't it.

You're scared he knows. You're scared he knows you're using him.

"Hi, Todoroki!" Uraraka exclaimed, pulling me from my daydream. She looked at me knowingly, a twinge of worry in her expression, then checked her phone as she heard a loud buzz.

"Sorry, but Tsu needs me. I might be back in a bit." She waved as she pranced out of view, smiling mischievously. For some reason, I was sure that Tsu was in no need of assistance at that moment.

"Is she feeling alright?" Todoroki asked, concern on his face, but amusement in his eyes.

"Yeah, she's fine." I told him with an innocent smile.

"Alright. How much does she know?" It sounded like such a suspicious question; I couldn't help but laugh. "Why?" He began to laugh with me, looking left, right, and all around the cafeteria for whatever triggered my amusement, "what's up?"

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