Part 7: A Good Dream

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Shit. I forgot that I left Uraraka in my room.

Leaving Todoroki in that situation felt like abandoning an excited puppy; It made me feel awful, but there was no way I was going to leave Uraraka in my room while Todoroki and I messed around. She would feel like a kicked puppy if I ever pulled that on her, and just the thought of that hurt me. I was upset enough with myself for the lack of motivation I had in everything I had been doing lately, and how tiring social interaction was. There was no reason for me to go and let this pile on to my insecurities, too. Besides, if I ended up falling asleep in his room after whatever we would do, therefore leaving Uraraka to make conclusions about what went down, I'd never forgive myself.

I threw the door open, panting, to find her wrapped up in my bed's duvet cover all the way up to her head, scrolling through her phone. She seemed to be cross legged, and sat up in my bed and looked directly at me, her child-like eyes meeting my own. Her breathing seemed to stop a moment.

"I, uh- sorry, I'll make the bed again." She got to work fixing the bed, but I knew it was pointless. I doubted I'd use it later, anyway. And even if I did end up using it tonight, it's not like I had any reason to bother making it again.

"Don't worry about it." She stopped moving and looked at me with one eyebrow raised. "Really, I can make my own bed." She shrugged and continued to make the bed. I sighed.

"How'd it go? Was it everything you imagined it would be?" Her eyes twinkled with interest as she unwrapped herself and stuffed her phone in the breast pocket of her uniform.

"It was more than I ever could have imagined." It really, really was. "And, uhh... it isn't over yet. He's waiting in his room for me so we can study." That is what we said we'd do. "And I don't know exactly how long we'll be studying for, so I figured I'd just let you go now and talk to you about the details tomorrow."

Her eyes narrowed in my direction, her index finger and thumb grazing her chin in suspicious strokes, but she let go of whatever thought was holding her there quickly. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, Midoriya!" She gave me a quick hug, one of which had us both tumbling back several steps, then ran out, her parting phrase and twinkling smile trailing her as she left. I sensed something upset in her demeanor, but I couldn't figure out what. Despite that, her voice sounded positive and her attitude seemed delighted, so I figured it was because I had to cut our talk short. I promised myself I would make it up to her tomorrow with all the details- minus the more lewd ones.

I waited about three minutes for Uraraka to make her way to her own room, then I headed out for Todoroki's.

I knocked on the door hesitantly, with only two knocks of my fist on the door, and shortly after, Todoroki opened it up, a lust-oozing smirk present on his face as he leaned against the door frame, looming over me. "So, you're back? What did you need to leave for," he loomed closer, brushing my ear, "a condom?"

My face burned a bright red. "I-I, uh," he cut me off before I could finish my sentence, pulling me in by my wrist. He slammed me against the door as he shut it, holding my wrists at both sides of my head. He touched my forehead to his, and breathing the same air as me, he spoke.

"Just kick me if you don't want it." The low tone and roughness of his voice was enough to make me moan. His touch sent sparks of electricity through my body that left me short of breath as his hands moved to trace circles under my shirt. His mouth hovered over mine for only a moment more before our lips touched, sending another jolt of unholy, amazing sensations through me. I couldn't get enough of this side of him.

His tongue swiped across my bottom lip, and parted my lips enough for him to have access. Our tongues danced with each other's lips, enfolding in an excited embrace of lustful tension. Todoroki held one of his legs between my own, grinding our manhood together slowly and sensually, until I could no longer hold back. A declaration of my pleasure rose up from my throat. "Oh? Does that feel good?" His husky voice rung in my ear.

"Y-yes," I heard myself say, the word breathy and forced under my moans. He palmed me as our kiss continued, putting me into submission. Eventually, he lead me to the bed, lying me down carefully before scoping out the rest of my body with a fragile hand as the other continued to palm me, making me more and more uncomfortable under the restraints of my jeans. He crouched at the end of the bed, my package in front of his face.

"Fuck, Todoroki, move faster." I carped pitifully as his mouth inches closer to my zipper. He stopped, making his already torturous pace even more painful. I wanted more. "Todoroki, please-"

"Say my name." His low voice sung from my waist.

"I- Shouto, please-" and that's all it took for him to bust through the layers of restraints and take my member in his hands.

He stroked my cock with tantalizing speed, a sweet smile to compliment his actions. He took his tongue up along my cock, waking it up with a twitch. I let out a short lived moan, squeezing my eyes shut and squirming under his touch. He fisted up and down the base of my cock, flitting his tongue at its head. Heat pooled more and more, making my pleasure mount higher and higher. I moaned and looked down at myself where Todoroki worked.

His face was tinted an innocent pink as he stroked my cock with his tongue, coating it with his warm saliva. He drooled over my cock with a face that twisted between overwhelming lust and focus, and it made the pulsing heat that had been collecting from his actions increase tremendously. I moaned, deep and long, the sight of him making dick twitch.

He seemed to go off at that, as he stopped using his hand and instead began to take my whole length in his throat with rapid movements, making my moans come out one after the other, until it all connected into a singular moan, it longevity made more pronounced by my sudden increases in volume, which could be confidently credited to Todoroki's magic. At that point, I felt myself about to go over the edge.

"Shouto, I'm gonna cum." My words were broken by the oncoming wave of release. He held my dick in his mouth as I did, promptly swallowing and shifting his arms before he got up, and hand still stroking my cock out of my release. The shrug like movement made me realize something, which brought a striking red tint to my cheeks. The thought came out soon after it had manifested.

"Y-you were touching yourself while you were... while you were doing that?" I asked, though I didn't need an answer. Surely, I would have came much faster if I had known.

"Yeah." He sounded almost apprehensive, but he had no reason to. His eyes searched for any place but my own, a blush beginning to form across his face.

"Hey," I said, catching his attention, "you have no reason to be nervous after laying all that confidence on me." I rose from the bed and pulled my pants up, fastening the buttons and zippers before taking his face in my hands, which, admittedly, required me to reach above my head. "I don't care what you did to yourself, because what you did to me was great." I pulled him down by his collar, placing my lips by his ear. "Someday I'll return the favor."

"I'll remember that." His voice sang back, low and confident, and moved to face me head on. My hands still at his collar, I pulled him down to meet my lips, with soft, warmer intentions.

I don't even remember why I did it. It was simply as if something in me pulled me into it, grappling onto that feeling and never wanting to let go. Unlike the sexual desire that I knew I had for him, this kiss made my heart squirm just as it did that afternoon, and just as it did weeks previous. My heart rate sped, my palms sweat with anxious excitement, and the butterflies awakened with a new liveliness. It was more than I ever could have imagined, and it was gone in an instant.

Was that love? I asked myself. No, it couldn't be.

It's funny how people lie to themselves out if unsureness when all the evidence so clearly points to their reality.

I tried to speak up, but my throated dried out and sound just did come. I stared at him in a mix of astonishment and anxiety, appreciating the moment but fearful for its end. Nothing mattered but him.

"I'll see you tomorrow." His hand gently traced shapes into the back of my hand, coaxing me to sleep long before I could hit my pillow. "Goodnight, Izuku." An honest smile faced me before he walked past me, leaving me to stand in the middle of his room, lonely without his company.

"Goodnight, Shouto." I shuffled out to my own room, more confused than when I went in, praying that those feelings were nothing but a good dream.

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