Part 12: Late

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I woke up to the golden morning light shining in, blurring my vision and making my muscles tense in response. I felt a familiar warm mass between my arms and entwined with my own legs, and when I realized who it was, I smiled, closing my eyes and breathing in the scent of the boy that lied with me. His forest green hair, colored a bright and proper green at the back due to the morning light, tickled my chin as I ducked farther underneath the blankets. He stirred, a tossing of limbs that came to face my chest with a tired groan. The blanket shifted to no longer shade my eyes, and when the sun truly beat down on my eyes, I groan too, lifting my arm to tuck deeper underneath the blanket. I found his sleepy eyes tracing the lines of defined muscle, and when I caught his eyes on my own, he just looked down, a blush most certainly traversing it's way across his newly woken face.

"Good morning," I said groggily.

"You too," he responded in a just as tired tone. He seemed completely unaware of his surroundings, and as he inspected the room for possible inconsistencies, his eyes narrowed and his lips pouted just slightly. That look of his pulled a smile out of me, though it was a small one. His eyes fell upon me as the smile attracted his attention, and as if his lips and my own were opposite ends of a magnet, he kissed me, completely unlike any kiss he'd given me before. 

His lips were as soft as ever, but his entire aura felt much softer. He melted into the kiss, but there was no expectation in this action for more. I sat up straighter and pulled him up with me, his lips parting slightly as I did with mine and our kiss continued. I felt like I'd won some sort of prize, like my chest was filled with maple syrup that was being stirred at alarming speeds and dragging my heart in circles with it. I felt like I'd just earned the highest possible honor I could possibly get from being a hero, standing with my family... and him. I felt like I was complete with him their. The piece of me that I should have found a long time ago was there, and I felt it slip perfectly into whatever space it might have formerly filled when he kissed me like that. 

Everything faded from the room and it was only him and I. It was perfect.

Our lips came apart and still, it was only him that I saw. His wide, green eyes shone with a wondrous intensity, his lips formed into a determined line. Suddenly, memory of a disturbance in the middle of the night came to me, a clear recollection of his absence in my mind. "What happened last night?" I asked.

He smiled fondly. "I was just figuring something out."

I simply nodded, dragging my eyes away from him and to his side table, where laid a lamp, a book, and a digital clock.

10:23 am. "Shit." I hissed, jumping out of bed. "We're late."

"What do you mean, Shouto? It's Saturday, isn't it?" he asked, his sleep still trailing him.

"It's Friday. Two days ago, we went out. That was Wednesday. Get up, I'll meet you at the door." I flopped out of bed in a rush and ran out the door and up two flights to my own room. Once there, I grabbed my uniform, showered, dressed (with my school bag on my back), and brushed my teeth, immediately followed by me rushing down the stairs to grab breakfast. There, at a table close to the kitchen, Izuku sat with his face practically in his bowl as he scarfed down his food, his cheeks puffed like that of a chipmunk. I speed-walked in and grabbed a bowl that must've been made hours ago and began eating, much more slowly than Izuku. I looked up from my food and at him, and he was still making that painfully cute face.

"You're cute when you're in a hurry." That's it. I just said it.

He swallowed down his food with a strangled gulp, then said, "I-I, uh, thanks?"

"No problem. We should get going." I said, rising from the table with a determined face. I took bowl to the sink and rinsed it out, and as I checked the clock one last time, I grabbed Izuku's hand and started running out the door and toward the school building. I hadn't really realized the impact of grabbing his hand, so when I looked down between us and saw his hand, my face heated up and I immediately let go of it. The space between us grew as we ran.

After about a solid three minutes of all out sprinting, we arrived at the door, both breathing in ragged stripes. I walked in first, trying my best to hide my panting, and walked to my seat as quickly as I could manage after all that running. Izuku walked in shortly after, looking down at the floor anxiously as he made his way to his seat. As he walked, it was as if a sea parted, and our classmates tore their eyes away and stiffened, as if coming to an understanding that they shouldn't talk about. Ectoplasm-sensei lectured all the way through the distraction, clearly unfazed by the student's lack of attention even as he sent us off to do our work.

"You're awfully late, and with Midoriya, of course. You two must have been pretty distracted this morning..." Mineta teased, jabbing at the air with a scathing grin.

"Get started on your schoolwork," I told him, trying to avoid his question, as I turned to the paper that Tokoyami had passed back to me. It wasn't difficult. I completed it within eight minutes of walking in, and that was with the ongoing distraction of Izuku.

About four minutes after I finished the assignment, others started voicing their concerns to me. "I don't mean to prod, Todoroki, but why were you both late? Forgive me, but it is a bit suspicious," Tokoyami added, turning toward Mineta's row as he faced me.

"Neither of our alarms went off. That's all," I answered curtly. In all honesty, I hadn't even bothered to look at my phone's alarms. I knew they hadn't went off, so what else was there to it? He was right, though. For both of our alarms to not go off was odd. Perhaps Izuku didn't have any alarms. That would be stranger, though, since he has a digital clock on his side table.

"-ello? Earth to Todoroki?" Sero's voice slowly became bolder as I phased back into my surroundings. "You back, dude?"

"Yes. I never left," I replied coolly. 

"No, you definitely left."

"How would you know that?"

"I asked you a question before that and you didn't answer," he said with a laugh. "You're kinda distant today. It's not cause of this morning, is it?" he asked teasingly.

"No." I refused to give his suggestive tone any more time than I had to. 

Yaoyorozu defended me, saying to Sero with only half seriousness, "You're almost as bad as Mineta."

Sero leaned back, holding his hands up beside his head in surrender. "C'mon, I'm just kidding. I didn't mean anything weird by it, I swear. Sorry man," he countered apologetically. I smiled thankfully and nodded.

Izuku had turned to face me, overhearing the conversation, and his wide green eyes were filled with greedy happiness as he looked at me. I gulped nervously and hunched over my homework, trying to drag my focus off of him once again. When I looked back up, he was hunched over his own homework, and the rest of my classmates had submersed into their own individual conversation. The room had sunk into scattered low voices, some voices rising above the others. Of course, Kaminari's and Kirishima's boisterous laughs carried over to me as they always did, and other student's small voices were as feeble as always too.

We all went through our usual motions, class and hero training all the same, with our dynamics all similar too. It was a normal day by all means, including the constant nagging of my emotions for Izuku. Every one of his glances my way made my heart rate spike, and the way his eyes sparkled caused a swiveling joy to spread through me. Just like always.

When class ended, everybody rushed out in their usual groups with the bakusquad tailing behind most other students as the pairs and trios walked out of the room, ending their week of academic stipulation. Usually, I walked by myself, letting Izuku go ahead to walk with Iida, Tsuyu and Ochaco, but that day, he waited behind for me, sitting on his desk and swinging his legs almost gleefully.

"What are you looking so chipper for?" I asked as I approached him, reaching for his hand. He took it without hesitation, and led me away from the desk and out of the room, seeming to be seeking a more private space.

Once we were walking across the welcoming red bricks that led back the dorms, tens of meters away from anyone who could overhear, he said in a feeble voice, "I think we need to talk.. a-again."

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