Part 4: Izuku

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A/N: Okay, sorry. This isn't really one-shots anymore. Guess I'll have to change the description. Oh well.


I woke up groggily the day after the party to a warm mass pressed against my chest. I blinked away the tiredness that remained, then began to sit up, until I realized what the warm mass was. Not what, but who.

Izuku Midoriya was still sleeping soundly against the day's bright light. The light from the broad window at our left shone through into Midoriya's hair just right, creating the appearance of a vibrant, grass green rather than the deep, forest green it usually seemed to be. His shirt had slipped off of him, showing off the large, toned muscles that he had worked tirelessly to gain. His skin is just as soft as always, I thought to myself as I lifted my arm from around his waist. Still, I didn't move. I couldn't let myself wake him when he was in that tranquil state. I smiled to myself, appreciating the blessing that that moment was, and all of the wonderful feelings I got each time I refocused on his presence.

Abruptly, I felt him stir beside me. A gay panic took over my mind, but I kept myself tranquil on the outside.

"Ugh. . . My head hurts." Izuku groaned as he sat up. I wasn't sure how to announce my presence behind him, or if he knew he was at my house at all. I wasn't even sure if he remembered last night.

He turned, and low and behold, he was surprised to see me. "Good morning." I said, trying my best to give him a kind smile.

"I. . . What happened last night? I-I don't remember getting here." He told me dizzily. Crist, how much did he drink?

"To what point do you remember?" I asked softly.

"Well, uhm. . ." He strained to reach his memories of the previous night. He put a hand to his head and squinted his eyes, trying to focus. It was very cute. His shirt was also off, if you remember- he must've taken it off during the night -and it was starting to get a certain reaction out of me.

"Actually, you should probably go drink water and eat breakfast. It will help with your hangover." I got up from the bed to make him quiche from the fridge and a large cup of water.

"Hangover..?" His asked himself as I left the room. Oh, God, I thought to myself, he doesn't remember anything.

I went downstairs and quickly fixed him and I breakfast. It was 10 that Sunday morning, so, to my relief, my siblings and dad were all at work. If they hadn't already left for work, they would definitely have been able to tell he was hungover. Anyone with eyes could see it.

I finished dishing the food onto paper plates with plastic silverware, and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge to take up. When I got back to my room, I found him in nothing but his boxers. I couldn't help but turn away, as if to conserve his dignity. We both knew it was futile.

I put the plates down on a corner table I had set up on the floor and placed two pillows around it.

"Care to put your pants back on?" I asked, a hint of pleading in my voice.

"Oh. Right," he commented as he looked down at himself, clearly just realizing the absence of pants. His eyes popped open and his expression became one of fear and anxiousness. "I, Uh... Todoroki?" He asked.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, uhm, how should I put this. . . Oh geez. . . I, uh, got up in the middle of the night because I felt sick and th-threw up on myself." His voice got quieter the closer he got to the end of his sentence. "Don't worry though! I didn't throw up on anything of yours. And I cleaned it all off my pants. And my shirt. I just had to hang them up in the shower so that they could dry during the night." He started to get anxious again. "But when I went to get them this morning, th-they were gone."

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