Part 10: I Love You

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::💕💕 (lowkey angst)

There he was.

His green hair fell in his face perfectly, shading him from the colorful sunset, but curly and voluminous enough not to block his vision. His eyes sparkled underneath the wisps of hair with a familiar, loving impression, mirroring my own. His freckles were defined wonderfully as he blushed and looked away, flustered by my stare. I smiled weakly at his shyness as I walked in, shutting the door behind me with a click. My smile faded when I took note of his rampant trepidation, and I moved to sit down on the bed next to him. I could hear him swallow his worry in the quiet that surrounded us.

Just come out with it, damn it, I cursed at myself. Why is it taking you so long just to make sure he's okay?

"How... how have you been today?" I asked, cringing at a crack in my voice.

How could you have possibly fucked that up? My mind taunted.

He shuffled uncomfortably in place. "Well, uhm, good," Izuku said, trying to express finality but struggling to get it across.

"I... I-I mean, that's good, but that's not what I meant," I stuttered. I heaved a deep sigh, my cheeks gaining color as I prepared to elaborate. "You haven't been acting like yourself today. You ignored me for most of the day, and every time we did interact, you could barely get a word out," my voice dropped and gained a breathy quality before I finished, "I'm worried about you."

He went quiet at that. His expression transformed to something of puzzlement, with qualities of awe and sadness mixed in.

He laughed. He really started laughing.

They were nervous chuckles, rising from a dense pit of dread that seemed to be locked up somewhere within him. He lifted his legs up to his chest as he stopped laughing, attempting to muffle sobs.

Why the hell is he crying? What do I do?? I hissed at myself.

He wrapped one arm around his legs as he used the other wipe tears from his face, smiling weakly through it all.

"You shouldn't be worried about me. I'm fine," he pleaded, attempting to underline the word fine with his speech. He did nothing of the sort, and if he had managed to, it still wouldn't have been enough to fool me.

"Izuku," I insisted, "you are not fine. I saw that just now. You were crying, weren't you?"


"Maybe?" I asked, bewildered, "You were crying, or you weren't. It's a yes or no question," I countered, beginning to become annoyed, but straining it from my voice as best I could.

"Yes, I was crying. But I don't want to say why," he answered, muffled into his knee.

I was shocked that he wouldn't want to tell me. His words acted as a knee to the stomach, snatching my breath from me and leaving me speechless. I was sure that he hadn't meant to hurt me, but the pain lingered non the less. It was just one piece of information, after all. Still, the intrusive questions fought through to hijack my train of thought. Had we not been there for each other for the past year? Were we not as close as I thought we were?

Did we never actually get past "friends?"

"I... really, Izuku?" I spoke in a miserable plea, "why? Why can't you tell me?"

"Because..." he trailed off, lifting his head to instead stare at a patch of bedsheet at his feet. His expression was almost as cold as my own could seem, but his eyebrows were inclined to shape his eyes angrily with a sad frown to contrast their screaming appearance. The longer he thought, the softer his expression became, until eventually, only sorrow and weakest impression of a smile remained, almost as if to reassure me. I was fearful to find out why he would feel the need.

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