And You Are?

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Hello my it's the author. I'm excited to start this book and would love to get some feedback and I absolutely adore comments so please feel free to leave some comments. Enjoy. . .




You stepped out onto the large balcony attached to your suite, the annual cleanse had just come to an end. The day on which hundreds of angels from above soared down to this hellish landscape only to end the lives of those damned to live in eternal suffering. 

Another cleanse survived. . .

You thought to yourself bitterly as you raised your palm and fired bright red fireworks into the sky, they were the brightest to illuminate the sky.   

"I hope this plan works Charlie." you said to yourself as you sadly gazed at all the corpses that littered the streets. You stayed outside for some time watching demons take blood, limbs, and even whole bodies for their own profit. You were vaguely impressed by the sinner's “creativity”. Ironically, it made it seem as though they were looking on the positive side of things, given the  circumstances of the situation. Some looked for angelic weapons to either sell or keep for their own use while others used the carcasses for many reasons that you would rather not think much of. Getting bored you walked back into your room and turned on the large flat-screen TV mounted onto the burgundy wall and as soon as you turned the TV on you heard a familiar voice shout. "How does it feel that I got your pen, huh? BITCH!" You chuckled as you watched Charlie and the news anchor duke it out on live TV when the screen suddenly displayed an off-air sign that was frequently used on this channel. After a moment of silence you stood from your leather armchair awaiting the inevitable return of your companions. 

You heard the creak of the front doors opening moments later and you slowly made your way downstairs contemplating on what you should say. Saying that you were not the best at comforting was an understatement when it came to you. You never quite figured out how to help those in need of emotional support. Despite the challenge it never had stopped you from trying to help those you cared deeply for. 

"So how'd the interview go?" You asked hesitantly, in response to your question Vaggie gave you a sour look. Charlie on the other hand frowned and looked to be on the verge of tears. Sympathetically you walked to her and tried to reassure her, “It’s all about trial and error.”

"I knew it was going to be difficult, but it still hurts. " She responded. 

You wrapped an arm around her and gave her a pat on the back before saying, "I'm sure that once the whole thing blows over you'll have so many guests knocking on our doors that you'll be running out of space for clients." You let go of Charlie and wiped a tear from her cheek. She stopped sniffling and smiled at you before somebody began knocking on the door. Charlie looked at the door and then to you as the pounding continued. With a confused expression you shrugged at her and made your way to the source of confusion. You seriously doubted that anyone would have taken an interest in the hotel after the train wreck on the news but it seems as though you were mistaken. Curiously you grabbed the knob of the door and opened it. 

"HEL- '' Charlie took the knob from your grasp in instant recognition. She then slammed the door shut as her face morphed into one of utter dread. Perplexed, you opened it again wanting to see the man behind the door "LO!" Charlie slammed the door once more. 

"Why'd you do that? It could have been a new guest!" You scolded her oblivious to the ominous presence behind the door. She looked at you with a straight face and asked "You're kidding right?" You stared blankly back at her and wondered who could possibly garner such a reaction from the princess of hell. 

"Did you not see who that was!?" Charlie's eyes were wide and her smile was no longer happy, instead it was replaced with a nervous frown she nearly never wore.

"No, had you not closed the door so quickly maybe I would have been able to." You replied slightly irritated.

"Hey, Vaggie?" She said, trying to catch her girlfriend's attention.

"Whaaaaat?" Vaggie asked, drained from the day's events and unaware of the impending annoyance that would become the icing on the cake for today. 

"The radio demon is at the door. . ." Vaggie became rigid at the mention of this demon, it looked as if a cold bucket of water had been thrown her way when the color drained from her face.

"What!?" She yelled with audible fear.

Radio demon . . . Why does that name sound familiar . . .

You asked yourself as you gave Angel Dust a questioning stare.  

"Uh . . . Who?" He asked just as clueless as you. Vaggie and Charlie ignored him, discussing their options. After Vaggie told Charlie not to let the mysterious radio demon in she then proceeded to walk towards the door and let him in. Completely ignoring any previous warnings. 

"May I speak now?" Asked a very tall, very red demon with small antlers on his head. 

Who the fuck is this guy? And why should I fear him?

Charlie spoke with slight hesitation, "You may.” 

And to her instant regret it was taken as an invitation inside, the demon took her hand into an aggressive handshake as he let himself within the hotel. 

"Alastor! Pleasure to meet you, sweetheart! Quite a pleasure!" Alastor exclaimed, waltzing in as if it were a second home without a care in the world. He wore the falsest grin you’d ever seen and at the sight of it you began to realize just who this arrogant man was. 

Oh. . .

"Excuse my sudden visit but I saw your fiasco on the picture show and I just couldn't resist! What a performance! Why I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929!" An obnoxious laughter coming from an unknown source was played and you grimaced at the sheer cheesiness of it as it joined his chuckling. "Hahahaha . . . So many orphans. . ." You rolled your eyes and decided to observe the radio host for the time being. 

Vaggie marched up to him and pointed a spear directly at his throat without hesitation. You couldn't quite catch what she was saying but you could tell she was pissed. Though you admired her bravery you also felt that upsetting a demon of Alastors caliber was a foolish thing to do. A shiver ran down your spine as the light static in the room turned up a notch. The lighting in the room began to turn red and you noticed that Alastor's smile was now unnaturally stretched and more sinister than ever, his eyes reminded you of radio dials surrounded by voodoo symbols you were unfamiliar with. Truly providing you with an unnerving sight. 

"So uh what's the deal with smiles?" You continued to stare at the radio demon as you addressed Angel Dust wearily. 

"Honestly, I've only talked to the man a handful of times and from what I can gather the man is an arrogant prick, not to mention a little psycho." The spider giggled at your blunt remark. 

"Haha, he looks more like a strawberry pimp to me." The two laughed at his joke, blissfully unaware of catching the attention of said psycho. Feeling his presence, you looked around the lobby and accidentally made eye contact with the man. You smiled politely never once letting your gaze falter from his. It was as if you were silently battling for power. Feeling bold, your smile turned into a flirtatious grin as you winked at him earning you a malicious chuckle. 

"Ahem . . . Why don't you just go get a room?" Angel said, smirking at you. You could feel your face heat up as you scowled, 

“Oh please get a life.”




That's  a wrap on chapter 1, anyway I had fun writing this and can't wait to go farther than the pilot.

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