[Castle J] A Summer with a Stranger

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A strong wave reached the spot on the sand where I left my phone and other belongings. I quickly jumped out the water to where they are and let out a soft cry. I squatted on the sand, not caring about all the dirt all over my body. I just got here! How am I supposed to survive without a phone?

The sunset I've been admiring just now suddenly became annoying.

A camera flashed at me followed by a familiar click. I looked at the culprit. "Did you just took a picture of me?"

"I'm sorry," the guy said. "You just look very real right now."

"Excuse me?" I exclaimed.

"I mean," he stuttered. "Candid, what you're doing." He smiled as he checked his camera. "You're really pretty."

I'm pretty sure I blushed. I know he meant the picture but I can't help it. He is good looking. I pretended to tap my phone as if that will help it open.

"So," He said. "What are your plans for tonight?"

Plans? I don't have any. I just groaned lightly at my phone, ignoring him.

"I have an extra phone." He offered.

I sighed. "You don't really have to help me." That was a lie but I'm just being cautious.

"I'm sure you need some help," he said. "Seeing how upset you are right now." I raised an eyebrow, assessing if he's really just acting in good faith. "I'm Castle J by the way." He extended his arms.

Now I'm raising both eyebrows. "Castle J? Is that your real name?"

He smiled and he grabbed my hand to shake it. "No. I just have a 'no real name' rule when I go to trips."

"Then I'm Jen." I said, shaking his hand back.

"Are you sure that isn't your real name?"

"You won't know, anyways." I smiled.

We did a lot of things I never could've done if I'm alone. I was very happy that I thought that wave which ruined my phone was the best thing that ever happened. He made me feel so comfortable that it's as if I've known him for years already.

After we had our dinner, he took me to walk by the beach. There are still a lot of people and we can hear music everywhere.

"Do you dance?" He asked when we reached a large circle of people with some dancing in the middle.

I shook my head. "Do you?"

He just smiled that cute puppy smile he does and walked right in the middle of the circle. The ones currently dancing welcomed him and they danced together for a few moments. When the song changed to hip hop, Castle J popped. He danced as if he owned the song and a few seconds later, the others can't keep up. All of them made way and returned to the circle until he's the only one dancing in the middle. I was at awe at how he portrayed the music through his dance and everyone is shouting with full excitement, cheering him on. He radiates a huge amount of energy but he showed no signs of exhaustion.

When the music was close to an end, he ran towards me and he pulled me inside the circle. I was shocked at his sudden action that I didn't caught the reaction of the people around. He pulled me closer to him and hugged me tightly. I can feel him breathing hard but I matched his breath as if that would calm him down.

When he pulled away, he said. "Thanks for being with me tonight. It's fun being with you."

I smiled but before I could answer, I became aware of the people's cheers. Both of us laughed. He grabbed my hand and we began to ran away from all of them.

"You were awesome," I said when we finally slowed our pace. "I can see you really love dancing."

"I really enjoy it." He said. "What about you, what do you love doing?"

"Drawing," I answered. I went to fish out my phone from my pocket but quickly remembered that it's dead. Castle J didn't miss it though, he laughed silently. "I was gonna show some of my works but well.." I sighed. "Guess you wouldn't believe me without proof."

He tightened his grip on my hand. Were we holding hands the whole time? I blushed but thank goodness it was nighttime.

"You're right." He said. "I need proof to believe you."

"Maybe I can show you someday?"

"Yeah?" He just said. He stared at me for a few seconds but he quickly turned away. How can it be possible to feel so at ease with a person you just met?

We walked in silence and before I realize it, we're already in front of my hotel. I sighed. I didn't want the night to end yet.

"You should take a rest." He said. "You just arrived today. You still have a couple of days to enjoy this place."

I smiled at how considerate he is. "Alright. So.. see you tomorrow?"

He smiled back and we stared at each other for I don't know how long. After a while, he squeezed my hand before letting it go. "Good night, Jen."

"Good night, Castle J." I answered and he watched me get in the hotel, to the elevator until the doors closed.

I had a sweet, peaceful sleep that night. Dreaming about how wonderful the night before was. When I woke up, I prepared for the day and quickly went out the hotel after having breakfast.

I walked around hoping to find Castle J. We haven't been able to exchange contact numbers but we promised to meet today.

Or so I thought. The sunset mocked me with its blazing rays. I spent the entire day looking for him but he's nowhere to be found. Did he leave already? Wasn't it clear that we will meet today?

As I ponder of what happened last night, I began to ascertain what his actions meant. He hugged me as he thanked me for spending time with him. He looked at me with regretful eyes when I told him I would show him my art someday. And he didn't answer me when I asked to see him today. He was saying sorry with his eyes as he squeezed my hand goodbye and when the elevator door closed, he wasn't smiling.

It took me hours to absorb everything but I figured it wasn't a bad memory at all. I took a deep breath and decided to continue on positively with this vacation. Like the dancing waves, the summer wind, and the spectacular sunset rays, a beautiful stranger who randomly took a picture of me on the sand is also something that comes and goes.



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